This thread is very amusing

I deeply love my family and friends ... I'd even die for them but I have a different perception of life ... this world is temporary, I believe in an eternal life which is the here-after (Jannah, iA) - if I ever lose my family/friends (God forbid) ... I will always have Allah with me (in my good and bad times).
I always pray that, Insha Allah, God will honour me with the blessing of having my family and friends with me even in the next life. 
This is how I live - knowing that Allah is always with me. 
Wow, that really is well said.

I should learn from you

It should be everyone's outlook on life..its a very nice way of looking at it.

ur so lucky!!
i always wanted to try trick or treating! 
nah we dont do that, this stuff doesnt happen in U.A.E!!
but a few years back me n my cousins...brought candy and dressed up and was fun 
okay then i wanna be a fairy


Haha, aww..I'm sure it was

Wow, that's a really nice fairy

Star, chillax and enjoy. 
Doing so

I see we have MANY UAE residents over here :O
cornelia : You live in UAE too , this is SO COOL
I don't mean to go off topic but we could ACTUALLY meet up somewhere since MOST of us live in the UAE .... That'll be so AWSOME

Anyways back to topic 
Romeesa and cornelia : Allow me to correct you both 
My neighbors (Locals) usually knock on our day on TWO occasions that is I think in mid Shaaban or some other month ( can't seem to remember which month it was) and they go like {Trick or treat} but once again I forgot what exactly they say
The other ocasion that happens VERY RARELY these days (or maybe I just grew up -.-) that is on Eid they knock on the door saying {give us Eidya}
We have our own Trick or Treat days
Beace xD
Wow I really didn't know about the "different" days of trick or treating

Nice info

^ I was funny before.

That is, actually, funny lol