New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
P.S - You beat me to it, Star P.P.S - Dress it up!
woohoo halloween!!i love this occasion!!
kool,do u go trick or treating?? and dress up and stuff?
Awesome thread, Star! I shall be the vamp!
Awesome, innit ? Too bad, we don't have trick or treating here in UAE. =[
Yup Oh Why don't you (and your friends) start the fad?
We are busy people ... Nah, I hardly get to see my friends ... Let alone go trick or treating with them!
Well, yeah, I can imagine That is sad I would die without my friends How do you live?
I deeply love my family and friends ... I'd even die for them but I have a different perception of life ... this world is temporary, I believe in an eternal life which is the here-after (Jannah, iA) - if I ever lose my family/friends (God forbid) ... I will always have Allah with me (in my good and bad times). I always pray that, Insha Allah, God will honour me with the blessing of having my family and friends with me even in the next life. This is how I live - knowing that Allah is always with me.