Author Topic: IGCSE Sociology or Travel and Tourism  (Read 2149 times)

Offline Ahmed_Hanafi

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IGCSE Sociology or Travel and Tourism
« on: October 08, 2011, 08:34:08 pm »

Wanted to inquire which is more convenient to intake as I am doing my last subject in my IGCSE's at the same time doing my Biology A level
I am exactly doing:

1-Biology "AL"
2-Physics "IGCSE"
3-Chemistry "IGCSE
4-English "IGCSE"
5-wether Sociology or T&T "IGCSE"

Please post your suggestions based on how much each subject needs specified time cus my time is limited due to the 3 sciences!


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Re: IGCSE Sociology or Travel and Tourism
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2011, 10:29:03 pm »
Since you're taking A-Level Biology, and the rest are IGCSEs, you'll obviously need to work hardest on Biology. A-Levels require a lot more effort and sobriety than IGCSEs, regardless of which subject you're appearing in; also, if this is your workload in a whole year then from just about any point of view is a lot. Especially with IGCSEs to do as well.

Anyhow, it's possible to get good grades in them and that too in one year. Biology A-Level is not as technical as Chemistry or Physics, but it's a lot of information, it requires a very good skill when it comes to theory and lengthy answers (even better, much better, than in IGCSE Biology). However, save a few concepts it's an easy subject which requires a good memory. So, it should be on your priority list. However, not too much time for Biology, because it's an A-Level subject yes but Chemistry and Physics at IGCSE level require a lot of your attention because many fundamental concepts are made in this time. If you plan to do them in one year, don't, unless this is your second year studying them. Even if you decide to appear in them after a school year, they both will require equal and a lot of attention. Depending on your competency, you may need to give them more time than Biology. In IGCSE, all of concepts are covered and though details may not matter as such, the vast amount of information requires a lot of practice and effort to absorb in. Give them a lot of time and practice, even if not as much brainpower. If you can attend an academy and your friends think it may help, these two subjects may be important to go to academy for.

Unless you're very bad at English, IGCSE English is simply about regular reading, writing and grammar practice. Keep it at the bottom of your priority list. Practice a good number of past papers and learn rules about answering questions in comprehensions and essays from a reliable teacher. If your English is really bad, then you may need to put in more than normal effort and may even need a one-on-one coach.

I have not studied IGCSE Sociology or Travel & Tourism, but where Sociology is a real subject with depth, it is going to be harder and require a lot of memorization. T&T is not a formal subject and with universities having unofficial list of 'banned' subjects, you shouldn't take it if you plan to study in countries like UK or USA. However, I think T&T would be easier; so it's your decision to make. If you're a bright and hardworking student, go for Sociology. Otherwise stick to T&T. And, of course, ask more people! :D Best wishes. <3
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But will abide (forever) the Face of thy Lord--full of Majesty, Bounty & Honor.
Then which of the favors of your Lord will ye deny?

Qura'n, Chapter 55: The Beneficent, Verses 26-28