That was excellent.
I don't particularly agree with everything you said, being an infidel.
But I won't elaborate.
I have no idea how you did what you did. That was skill. Very impressive. Very beautiful. Lovely imagery. Pretty voice.
Congratulations on the new microphone.
have a nice day!
That was the BEST comment I've ever read! hahahaha, sis..I'm flattered!
Thanks LOADS for your kindness, it lifts my spirits up!
Well, what I really spoke about in that video you'd find if you study psychology. It's pretty much facts on human development and yes, I do not need an elaboration because this is not debates section mini.

Again, thanks for your sweetness. =]
@Romeesa, yeah..Uni and schools taking up our times. I'm very busy myself. =X
And I want to see your presentation By the way! You didn't send it to me.
@Muji, Jazaka Allah khair! Thanks loads bro.