I have noticed something very alarming in the Forum: reputation.
There seems to be an overwhelming amount of Reputation on member's profiles. Mostly, having such high reputation comes from posting in Chit-Chat. You see, in most other forums reputation is a resource that is actually valued, it is currency and most importantly testifies the validity of a response. Go to any successful forum, and you will see that the post count is disabled in the Chat or Gossip section, because people post one or two word answers.
I am simply a member in this forum, and I know this is for the higher ups to decide, but I need to tell you all that you need the reputation to be sorted. You guys also need to promote more members to become active members. Not every good member needs to be made a moderator. There should be many more incentives.
Also, consider having a donate button. I am sure there are plenty of people that are grateful for the services that the forum provides and this will be happy to donate.
Also, to the administration team: use
www.safelinking.com to protect the links on your web-pages, especially the Mediafire Links. This will at least add a few more years to the files that are not downloaded that frequently, and many more months to the ones that are.
Kind Regards,