Author Topic: Moral stories  (Read 20855 times)

Offline Malak

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Moral stories
« on: September 03, 2011, 05:55:20 pm »
I will be sharing different short moral stories from time to time, you all can share as well. :D

Here is a start.

Don't Change The World

Once upon a time, there was a king who ruled a prosperous country. One day, he went for a trip to some distant areas of his country. When he was back to his palace, he complained that his feet were very painful, because it was the first time that he went for such a long trip, and the road that he went through was very rough and stony. He then ordered his people to cover every road of the entire country with leather.
Definitely, this would need thousands of cows’ skin, and would cost a huge amount of money.
Then one of his wise servants dared himself to tell the king, “Why do you have to spend that unnecessary amount of money? Why don’t you just cut a little piece of leather to cover your feet?”
The king was surprised, but he later agreed to his suggestion, to make a “shoe” for himself.

There is actually a valuable lesson of life in this story: to make this world a happy place to live, you better change yourself - your heart; and not the world.

The travelers and the plane tree

Two men were walking along one summer day. Soon it became too hot to go any further and, seeing a large plane tree nearby, they threw themselves on the ground to rest in its shade.
Gazing up into the branches one man said to the other: “What a useless tree this is. It does not have fruit or nuts that we can eat and we cannot even use its wood for anything.”
“Don’t be so ungrateful,” rustled the tree in reply. “I am being extremely useful to you at this very moment, shielding you from the hot sun. And you call me a good-for-nothing!”

All of God’s creations have a good purpose. Islam teaches us that we should never belittle Allah’s blessings.

« Last Edit: September 03, 2011, 06:11:37 pm by Ang3l »
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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 07:53:36 pm »
JazakAllah Khair. <3

Will be sharing from my side soon, IA. ;D
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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2011, 08:54:44 pm »
MashAllah ;D This is really Cool 8)

Jazaki Allah khair for sharing <3
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

Please, Don't forget to Include GG in your Prayers =D

Offline Malak

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2011, 07:13:36 pm »
A Pond Full Of Milk

Once there was a king who told some of his workers to dig a pond. Once the pond was dug, the king made an announcement to his people saying that one person from each household has to bring a glass of milk during the night and pour it into the pond. So, the pond should be full of milk by the morning.

After receiving the order, everyone went home. One man prepared to take the milk during the night. He thought that since everyone will bring milk, he could just hide a glass of water and pour inside the pond. Because it will be dark at night, no one will notice. So he quickly went and poured the water in the pond and came back.
In the morning, the king came to visit the pond and to his surprise the pond was only filled with water! What has happened is that everyone was thinking like the other man that “I don't have to put the milk, someone else will do it.”

When it comes to help the Religion of Allah, do not think that others will take care of it. Rather, it starts from you, if you don’t do it, no one else will do it. So, change yourself to the way of Allah to serve Him and that will make the difference.

If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

Reminder to myself: Stop worrying and start working

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Offline Malak

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2011, 07:25:22 pm »
Parable of the Pencil

The Pencil Maker took the pencil aside, just before putting it into the box.
“There are 5 things you need to know,” he told the pencil, “Before I send you out into the world. Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best pencil you can be.”
One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in someone’s hand.”

Two: “You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, but you’ll need it to become a better pencil.”

Three: “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”

Four: “The most important part of you will always be what's inside.”

And Five: “On every surface you are used on, you must leave your mark. No matter what the condition, you must continue to write.”

The pencil understood and promised to remember, and went into the box with purpose in its heart.

Now replacing the place of the pencil with you.
Always remember them and never forget, and you will become the best person you can be.

One: “You will be able to do many great things, but only if you allow yourself to be held in God’s hand. And allow other human beings to access you for the many gifts you possess.”

Two: “You will experience a painful sharpening from time to time, by going through various problems in life, but you’ll need it to become a stronger person.”

Three: “You will be able to correct any mistakes you might make.”

Four: “The most important part of you will always be what’s on the inside.”

And Five: “On every surface you walk through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation, you must continue to do your duties.”

Allow this parable on the pencil to encourage you to know that you are a special person and only you can fulfill the purpose to which you were born to accomplish.
Never allow yourself to get discouraged and think that your life is insignificant and cannot make a change.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2011, 07:30:48 pm by Ang3l »
If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

Reminder to myself: Stop worrying and start working

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2011, 12:22:56 am »
Depends what you are. Some might think water more precious than milk. Like fish. If you were a fish you would definitely prefer water.

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2011, 06:46:34 am »
MashAllah! Those stories are AWESOME! +REP!

They are SUPER great. I really did learn a lesson from them and also had fun reading them.

I loved the first one >> 'Don't Change the World'. I always believed, 'If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and THEN make a change - MJ'

'Parable of the Pencil' is another wonderful one full of logic and wisdom' and I'll make sure I share with my friends. :D

'A Pond Full of Milk' got also a good message.

+rep for sharing! =]

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Tohru Kyo Sohma

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2011, 09:48:13 am »
great stories!
+rep Ang3l
they really were worth reading<3

Offline Malak

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2011, 05:11:47 pm »
Depends what you are. Some might think water more precious than milk. Like fish. If you were a fish you would definitely prefer water.
LOL, that isnt really the main point  ::)

Thank you mony and misaki ^_^
If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

Reminder to myself: Stop worrying and start working

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Offline Tohru Kyo Sohma

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #9 on: September 07, 2011, 08:37:57 am »
LOL, that isnt really the main point  ::)

Thank you mony and misaki ^_^
ur welcome ang3l
hope to see more stories in the future!

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2011, 05:28:17 pm »
                                                    ~ Get Lost ~

“Dad, how long will it take us to get there?” shouted Abdul as he jumped into the backseat of the family Camry.

“Twenty three minutes, insha Allah,” replied Tariq proudly holding up his new GPS. He continued fidgeting with a few more settings on the device and then ceremoniously attached it to cradle stuck on the windscreen while waiting for the rest the family to get into the car.

“I’m so excited to see the Islamic fair,” said Zakiya, the youngest of the family, “I hear Zain Bhikha is going to be there. In person!”

“Dad, Zaks is not buckling up! And she wants to sit in the middle as usual!”

“Don’t lie! I am buckling up. Just wanted to see the new GPS thingy dad bought,” Zakiya shouted back.

“Ok, ok. Let’s just read our dua for travelling and move on,” said Tariq calmly, “We all want to get to the show with lots of time to see everything.”

He inched the car out of the driveway and waited for the first set of instructions from the GPS.

“Proceed three hundred meters then turn right,” came the swift instructions in a heavy British accented voice.

Tariq promptly complied with the instruction.

“”I wish you would listen to me like that!” laughed his wifeTaheera, “You don’t even know him and you obey him, but I have to ask a hundred times before something is done.”

Tariq shot her a quick smile and they both laughed.

“Mum, I hear they’re having a cooking show at 2. We should make it for that!” said Zakiya her eyes lighting up with the prospect of learning some new culinary skills.

“Turn right!” said the familiar British voice.

Tariq promptly turned left. Taheera quickly turned to see if he had made a mistake, but Tariq was calm as he continued on his chosen route.

“Recalculating! Drive 2 kilometres and then turn right” said the GPS.

Tariq continued along the route. A smug smile sealed his lips as he continued playing with his greying beard.

“Turn right!” commanded the GPS and Tariq promptly swung the car to the left.

Again the GPS cried “Recalculating!”

With a calm air he continued ignoring the instructions on the GPS for a while saying nothing until Abdul leaned forward in his seat and complained, “Dad, why aren’t you following the instructions?” We have already been driving for thirty minutes.”

“We gonna miss the cooking show,” chorused Zakiya, “And we not going to have too much time to spend at the show.”

Tariq continued silently until the GPS said for the umpteenth time, “Recalculating!” You could almost hear the irritation in the British accent as she said, “When possible please make a U-turn.”

Taheera fidgeted with the beads on her kaftan for a while, all the time stealing glances at her husband searching for some clue to this strange behaviour. She pulled hard on a bead and it broke off and rolled to the floor.

“Tari,” she said softly, trying very hard to hide her irritation, “If you don’t trust the new machine then just ask at the garage(gas station) like we used to do!”

“Good idea,” replied Tariq still fidgeting with his beard, “There’s one just up ahead.”

He sailed the car into the forecourt despite the GPS insisting he make a U-turn. The attendant slowly approached the car, a large dark stain covering the front of his T-shirt. Tariq rolled down the window and asked him for directions.

“Easy sir! Just go up the hill then turn right. Then you see de Shell garage you turn right. Right, neh! Then you drive about five kilos then you see de place in front of you.” directed the attendant a broad smile filling his face, “Very easy boss, you can’t get lost!”

Tariq continued to drive ignoring the instructions from the attendant and paying little attention to the GPS’s call to make a U-turn.

Taheera broke off some more beads and then burst out, “Tari what are you up to? We have been driving for an hour and a half. You ignored the GPS directions all the time. You even ignored the attendant’s directions. You keep on just driving and driving. Why?”

“Yep dad, we should have been there an hour ago. Why are we just driving?” echoed Abdul.

Tariq remained silent and played with his beard for a while, and then said, “I just wanted to see if I could get there without following the instructions.”

“That’s so dumb, Tari!” complained Taheera, “I mean just how are you going to get there if you ignore the GPS and other directions. We wasted our time and the kids are irritated. Zaks has even fallen asleep.”

“I just wanted to prove something!”

“What could you prove by acting dumb? What could we learn by deliberately getting lost?”

Tariq fiddled with his topee(hat) before answering, “I just wanted to understand that by ignoring all the guidance and instructions we will never get to our destination.”

“That’s so obvious!” cried Taheera, “Anyone can tell you that! I mean how can we possibly get to where we going if you deliberately ignore the instructions. In fact, you did just the opposite of what you were told.”

Taheera’s words brought about an air of silence in the car. All were now attentive as Tariq cleared his throat.

 “Well,” began Tariq calmly, “If we ignore all the directions given to us by Allah and instructions by His Final Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) then how will we ever reach our destination, Jannah? Allah gave us clear guidelines of what is permissible and what is prohibited yet we do the opposite. He even sent His beloved Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him)  to show us practically what to do, but we choose to ignore his advice and still hope to reach Jannah?”

He paused waiting for his point to sink home, and then continued, “It can never happen. We will never reach our destination without following the correct directions. Yet it’s so simple – turn right, go straight.”!!

Allah, The Most Wise, has informed us:

“And Verily, it(The Qur’an) is a guide and a mercy to the believers" (Quran-an Naml 27:76-77)

“Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have the best example for him who looks unto Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.” [Quran-Al-Ahzab 33:21]
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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2011, 07:37:41 pm »
Great stories. Thanks for sharing them.  ;)

The Elephant Rope   
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.

Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?

Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.

Offline Tohru Kyo Sohma

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2011, 07:54:52 am »
Great stories. Thanks for sharing them.  ;)

The Elephant Rope   
As a man was passing the elephants, he suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at anytime, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not.

He saw a trainer nearby and asked why these animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. “Well,” trainer said, “when they are very young and much smaller we use the same size rope to tie them and, at that age, it’s enough to hold them. As they grow up, they are conditioned to believe they cannot break away. They believe the rope can still hold them, so they never try to break free.”

The man was amazed. These animals could at any time break free from their bonds but because they believed they couldn’t, they were stuck right where they were.

Like the elephants, how many of us go through life hanging onto a belief that we cannot do something, simply because we failed at it once before?

Failure is part of learning; we should never give up the struggle in life.

these stories are so cool!
wakete kurete arigatou gozaimasu!

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2011, 03:39:57 pm »
Loved the Don't Change the World story.
I believe in killing the messenger. Know why? It sends  message.
~Damon Salvatore~

Offline Malak

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Re: Moral stories
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2011, 06:54:06 pm »
Mentally Retarded

A few years ago, at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100-yard dash.

At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win. All, that is, except one little boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times, and began to cry.
The other eight heard the boy cry. They slowed down and looked back. Then they all turned around and went back.....every one of them.

One girl with Down’s syndrome bent down and kissed him and said, “This will make it better.”
Then all nine linked arms and walked together to the finish line. Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story.

Why? Because deep down we know this one thing: What matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves. What matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course.

If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

Reminder to myself: Stop worrying and start working

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