New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
A 'nice' stalker you mean
All the stalkers I know...are nice.
HAHAHAAAAAAAA....that was a good one :')But nice stalkers? Thats new 0.o
He's a stalker. He reads everything.
He just needs to get his bum back here.
He likes to eat bhao.Ignore me, Crooky man.
What's bhao ? He cannot. Yer too sweet to be 'ignored'.
I'm not sweet when I say 'we have made him the center of attention'.Dont get me wrong, I love him too.
We all do! Not sure if he does back.
LOL. That's too much to hope.
LOL. Crooked is the sweetest. He loves everyone back.
LOL, yes. And he says it out loud all the time.
Yeah, like 'Imma ban yuh all ' or 'I want yuh to cry ' or 'I'll beat yuh up ' Shows his affection and love to us all hahahaha looool.
He has to get back, somehow. People are getting uncontrollable without his various threats.