OMGGG!! YOU'RE AN AFGHAN!! I thought, in fact, was 100% sure you're a 100% Paki

Damnnn, you belong to the country of Osama Bin Laden, LOOOOOL, Idc about that man, mate, but I love Afghans now

....I'm sooo glad I've an Afghan for a friend, more so cos its you

I don't call myself a Bangladeshi, I was born and brought up in Oman, and I keep telling my parents that I am the daughter of two Bangladeshis

. I miss Oman from the depth of my heart and I JUST LOVED it there. But now that I've come here, I hope I can adjust and develop some love for this place.

To be honest, Bangladesh is beautiful, I mean its just amazingly pretty but annoyingly, overcrowded.

The most interesting thing about this place is how you see people fight each day for literally everything, but that they still don't lose the spirit of life and move on. Anyways, more facts later.
So Imma post about both BD (li'l) and Oman (a lot
