Aw. Its not my work so I cannot take the credit ... just sharing it around.
Gave me goosebumps too. 
Seems like a good book. Do lemme know if it's worth buying. 
Dunya makes us fall so deep into it that at times we forget about the akhira. May Allah always keep our imaan strong, Insha Allah. (:
Wa jazaki. <3
OHH LOOOL I thought it was yours
okay loool. But still- so lovely

Oh man, it's probably the best book I got in my house. After the quraan

I've got this booked called 'Enjoy Your Life', and that's AMAAAZING. real good, worth buying too

And last one- read this book called 'The Great Women in Islam who are promised Paradise'
That's soooooooooooooooo lovely you just can't put it down <333