New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
To be honest ,for sure we are going to sort of disappear once School/University starts but what we can do about it , is log in whenever we're free Problem Solved inshAllah =D
LOOOOL @ MU. And Romeesa my sis is a Physiotherapist. It's an awesome field. =]Well...at time of Uni/school it's pretty normal if the forum is not that active but it's not normal if it's dead during the summer. :O
Really ? Awesome! I agree. =(
Yeah, specially that it really releases the pain in any part of your body since they know the pain points in the muscles and all. And let's not predict the future. Who knows? MAYBE the forum might be more active later on.
hey people how are you all?i see there are only a very few members active these days and ofcourse the name everywhere is Romessa-Chan! but romessa seriously [img width= height=]http://www.maximmovers.com/images/thank-you.jpg[/img]
hey people how are you all?i see there are only a very few members active these days and ofcourse the name everywhere is Romessa-Chan! but romessa seriously
At least I am active.