New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
hehee.. It wasn't so bad. She made me drive all way till Deira.
u might wanna include a horse in u r video , with a horse in it , it will be beyond awsomewatever its gonna be
@Romeesa, inshAllah in few hours I'll post the new video. @Lia, it's just taking AGES to upload, but alhamdolilah we're done with it! @Dasith, why horse? That was completely random. -______-
I'm waitingggg!!! Horses are Dasith's love.
It's written 300 mins left..hahaha. Is that so? :O LOL, I'll make sure making a video talking about horses for Daisth later on maybe.
300? You tube sucks
Like seriously...the upload speed there is so slow. The internet I'm using is super fast, so the problem comes from them.It's just 10 mins long, but it feels like downloading a two hours movie.
Go get some sleep, by the time it uploads.
LOOOOL, that's exactly what I'm planning to do. I went and had dinner, watched some islamic show and it's still uploading.
Cnt wait for it to upload How's you Sis? Is been a long time since we last talked
Aiiii hiiii! Where have you been?! Or shall I ask..where have I BEEN! lol..I've been so BUSY, I couldn't even post much in SF. =X I mean..Uni didn't start YET and I'm getting all busy..I'm wondering what would happen when it starts. :O
Aiiii hiiii! Where have you been?! Or shall I ask..where have I BEEN! lol..I've been so BUSY, I couldn't even post much in SF. =X I mean..Uni didn't start YET and I'm getting all busy..I'm wondering what would happen when it starts. :OHow are youuuuu?