Author Topic: ~ How much we will regret the precious seconds we wasted in this world! ~  (Read 2541 times)

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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  • "Be the person you want to meet."
I have already shared this with a few members on SF. Now, since this board is created. . . Wanted to share with yuh all. :D

Please do read it, it's worth yer time. (:

How limited is our life and how can we really be sure that we will live until tomorrow. We have a 50% chance of dying at any moment and 50% is a huge chance of dying yet we live everyday like we will live forever in this world but we are asleep and so heedless. We do so much for this world and gain wealth, propertys and various other investments but if we die the next day then will this wealth and assets accompany us? The ONLY thing that will come with us is our good deeds. Our good deeds will be our companions in the grave and in the hereafter because they will be there for us when we REALLY need them the most, whereas what we gained in this world will leave us at the point of death.

So is it wise to spend our whole lives working for this world in expense of the next? Are we going to be here for that long that we should do so much for this world and neglect our final destination?

The succession of the night and day teach us an important lesson about this life; what goes will never come back again. This lesson is only understood by the wise people and leads them to invest all of their time in useful things as they realise that these times will never come back again. Once each second, minute, hour and day is gone it will NEVER come back. Yet our seconds go by and we do not even bother to ensure we make the best of how we spend them.

Rasulallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) urged us to use our time in a useful way when he said: “Grab five things before five others: your youth before your old age, your health before your illness, your wealth before your poverty, your leisure before your work, and your life before your death.” (Al-Hakim)

He also indicated that we are to be asked about these times and how we invested them in the judgment day. Rasulallah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “A servants two feet will not move on the Day of Judgement until he is questioned about four (things): His youth, how he spent it, his knowledge, how he acted upon it, his wealth, how he earned it and how he spent it and his body, how he used/wasted it.” ( Al-Tirmidhi)

Worship in ones youth is the best worship that one will do in all of ones lifetime and this is because of the fact that this is the time that one will have the most desires and this is the time when one has passion, drive, determination and energy. The youth must use all of these things in wanting to spend their time pleasing Allah and doing those actions which will benefit them forever and NOT wasting their time in useless talk or meetings and especially on social networks on the internet and video games all of which are of no benefit to one in this world or the next.

So for the youth it is even more crucial NOT to waste ones youth on useless pursuits but in the worship of Allah so that one can be raised on the day of judgement as one who spent their youth in the worship of Allah.

So, whoever used his time for the benefits and pleasures of this life will regret after he died and his remorse will be very great at two times:

When he is dying he will wish that he is given another chance or extension to his life so that he may do good as Allah says:

In Falsehood will they be Until, when death comes to one of them, he says: “O my Lord! send me back (to life),- In order that I may work righteousness in the things I neglected.” By no means! It is but a word he says. Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up. (23:99-100)

The key to success in this life and the next is making the hereafter the MOST important thing to us and making it our main focus. If we constantly keep the hereafter as our main focus everyday of our lives and strive as much as we can everyday to ensure that each second is spent on building up our hereafter then we will not go wrong inshallah.

Ibn Masood said: “I have never regretted anything as a day spent of my life without doing good deeds.”

How many days have we had like this where we have completely wasted them? On the day of judgement we would want to go back so that we could gain the HUGE rewards that are available just for saying Subhanallah!

Bilal ibn A**’d once said: if we are asked: ‘‘do you want to die?’’, we answer ‘‘No’’; and if we are asked ‘‘why?’’ we reply ‘‘in order to repent ad do good deeds’’. However if it’s said to us ‘‘Ok then do good deeds’’ we say: ‘‘Yes I will do’’; we keep working for this life everyday and postponing working for the hereafter.

We CANNOT afford to waste a single second in this life wasting it on that which will give us no benefit in this world or the next. Once our focus becomes the hereafter then NOTHING else will matter. Even things that we do in this world like work, study, look after and provide for family, parents, wife children etc will be like worship for us because we will do them for the pleasure of Allah. Even going to the toilet can be a worship if done in accordance with the Sunnah. Our WHOLE life from sleeping, eating, going to sleep and even breathing can become reward and worship with the right intentions so let us not waste a second more.

In the hereafter, when people are rewarded according to their deeds in this life, he wishes if he can go back to this life so he can do good deeds as he has experienced the hardness of punishment. Allah says:

They will say: “Our Lord! Twice hast Thou made us without life, and twice hast Thou given us Life! Now have we recognized our sins: Is there any way out (of this)?”(40:11)

Qatadah said regarding the last verse: By Allah, they don’t wish to go back to their families or clans, to get more of the pleasure of life, or to spend and fulfill their desires. Rather, they wished to return in order to perform and do acts of obedience to Allah - the Almighty -; God have mercy on those who do, in this life, the same good deeds and act of obedience that the unbeliever will wish to do when they meet the punishment in the Judgment Day.

Allah Also says:

But warn them of the Day of Distress, when the matter will be determined: for (behold,) they are negligent and they do not believe! (19:39)

Ibn Kathir provided the following translation for the latter verse:

(And warn them of the Day of grief and regrets) warn the creation of the Day of Distress.

(When the case has been decided) when the people of Paradise and the people of Hell will be sorted out, and everyone will reach his final abode which he was destined to remain in forever.

(While (now) they are) today, in the present life of this world.

(In a state of carelessness) with the warning of the Day of grief and regret, they are heedless.

(And they believe not) meaning they do not believe that it is true.

Imam Ahmad narrted that Abu Sa`id said that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “When the people of Paradise enter Paradise and the people of the Hellfire enter the Hellfire, death will be brought in the form of a handsome ram and it will be placed between Paradise and the Hellfire.” Then, it will be said, “O people of Paradise, do you know what this is?” Then, they will turn their gazes and look, and they will say, “Yes, this is death.”' Then, it will be said, “O people of the Hellfire, do you know what this is?”' Then, they will turn their gazes and look, and they will say, “Yes, this is death.” Then, the order will be given for it to be slaughtered and it will be said, “O people of Paradise, eternity and no more death, O people of Hellfire, eternity and no more death.” Then the Messenger of Allah recited the previous Ayah; then, the Messenger of Allah made a gesture with his hand and said: “The people of this life are in the state of heedlessness of this life.”

Let us get ourselves out of this heedless state that we are in and let us make our ONLY focus the hereafter so that EVERYTHING we do we do to please Allah. Before we do any action we should just stop and think to ourselves "Is this action going to be of any benefit to me in the hereafter"? If it is not then let us do that which WILL be of benefit to us. This brief moment of reflection will help us throughout our lives because it will prevent us from wasting our precious time and it will enable us to spend our precious seconds pleasing Allah and doing good deeds.

A clever and intelligent person realises that they have such limited time in this world and therefore each second should be spent on doing that which will benefit them in the long term as oppose to in the short term. Short term gains are what we do for this world and long term gains are what we do for the hereafter. Now if we spend our lives living for this world then we will have gains which are so short lived and after we die what will we have for eternity? Whereas if we lived this life to a minimum and spent our entire lives working for the hereafter then we will benefit FOREVER!

This world is like a dream that will end at any moment and in the next world we will wake up from this dream and that is when reality will hit us but by then it will be too late to do anything about it. Our chance to act is NOW! Therefore we CANNOT waste a second more.

Let us spend our time learning about Islam and implementing what we learn into our lives as well as teaching others what we learn as learning is the best of all worship.

Let us enjoin good and forbid evil and give as much dawah as we can inviting people to the way of Allah. Let us attend the Masjid and keep good connection with it so that we can gain a good connection with Allah. Let us keep good and pious company and disregard those who do evil as bad company is like poison for us. Let us sit with the scholars and learned people and those who remember Allah.

Let us spend our time reciting the Qur'an as every letter is so much rewards that we cannot imagine. We will be raised among the levels of Paradise until we stopped reciting the Qur'an in this world. So let us keep reciting so that we can be raised to the highest stages of Paradise. Let us also learn the meanings of what we are reading so that we can understand what Allah is telling us and so that we can implement what Allah is telling us in the Qur'an into our daily lives.

Let us perfect our characters all of the time and whatever we need to change about ourselves for the better then let us constantly work on these things.

Abu Darda (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, "Nothing will be heavier on the Day of Resurrection in the Scale of the believer than good manners. Allah hates one who utters foul or coarse language.''

Let us strive to be the best towards others in conduct and let us serve our parents as much as we can as serving ones parents is better than jihad.

Let us give as much as we can to charity for the pleasure of Allah for we will regret the money we wasted and did not spend in the way of Allah.

Let us also busy ourselves in prayer and much prostrations in the for of nawafil prayers because the more we prostrate to Allah in the form of prayer then the higher our ranks will be in the hereafter.

We should always ask of Allah in dua and know that dua is the weapon of the believer and this weapon should be used as much as possible for all of our duas that are not answered in this world will be stored for us in the hereafter and when we see the reward of those duas we thought were not accepted then we will wish that NONE of our dua's were ever accepted just so that we can gain these HUGE rewards.

We should be of the appreciative and thankful and always thank Allah for everything he has given us because he has done so many favours for us that we can never imagine. Allah gives more to the thankful and increases them in blessings.

-Allah likes those who are thankful [39:7]

-Allah rewards those who are thankful [3:144]

-Allah gives more benefits and blessings to those who are thankful [14:7]

-Allah protects those from harm who render Him thankfulness [54:34-35]

Also let us be patient through trials, hardships and adversities because they will help rid us of sin and it may be that a person who went through much trials in the world would face Allah with little or no sin and imagine how lucky that person would be on a day when we will tremble for the sins we committed in the world. What a terrible day that will be. So we should spend our time in repentance and have hope in the mercy of Allah and at the same time have fear that our repentance and deeds won't be accepted. Hope and fear should always be balanced and one should not have too much hope and one should not have too much fear but strike a balance between the two.

Let us keep our tongues moist with the remembrance and glorification of Allah, How easy is it for us to utter useless words but how much will we regret when we realise that instead of all the useless talk we did in the world we we could have glorified Allah and even one glorification of Allah like Subhanallah and La ilaha ilallah gains one rewards one cannot imagine. It is just that in this world we cannot see these rewards but when we will see the rewards for ourselves on the day of judgement then we will say "Woe to me i wasted my life in useless talk when i could have been glorifying and remembering Allah."

Hadhrat Mu'az [RA] narrated Rasulallah (sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said: “The Inhabitants of Paradise will not be grief stricken or sorrowful about anything they did in the life of the world except for the time they spent without being in the remembrance of Allah” (Tabaraani)

We can remember Allah where ever we are no matter what we are doing and this is the best thing we can do in our lives is to constantly remain in the remembrance of Allah. If we alwyas have Allah in our hearts then we will do EVERYTHING to please him and refrain from anything that displeases him.

The Prophet of Guidance (sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) told us that remembrance of Allah is the best and the purest deed.

Abu Dardaa narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) said, “Shall I tell you of the best and purest of your deeds before your King, the one that elevates your position the most; that is better for you than meeting your enemies whose necks you strike and they also strike your necks, and better than spending gold and silver?” The companions said, “O Yes.” The Prophet (sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) then said, “Remembrance of Allaah, the Exalted.” (Ahmad, Tirmidhi and others).

My brothers and sisters let us take heed and make the changes in our life NOW for tomorrow may never come and then we will regret the precious short time we have wasted in our lives on useless pursuits.

Let us think before doing any action to ensure that EVERYTING we do we do to please Allah and if it will benefit us in the hereafter then we should do it but if it will only waste our time then we should not do it.

We CANNOT put this off any longer for shaythan will always say to us "You can change after you have done this or after you have done that, You can change next week or tomorrow". But tomorrow may never come so the time to change and act is NOW!

Al-Hasan Al-Basri said: “Seek sweet happiness in three things: performing prayer, Remembering Allah, and reading the Holy Quran. If you find (delight in those three things), it is alright. But if you do not, it means that the door (to Allah’s Love and Mercy) is closed; so search for the reason.”

Another of the righteous men said, “How miserable people of the present world are! They pass away from it without having tasted the most delicious thing therein.”And when he was asked: “What is the most delicious thing therein?”, he said: “Knowing Allah, the Almighty, loving Him, and remembering Him.”

So let us strive to make the best of each second of our lives to ensure that each second is spent on pleasing Allah and each second that we waste on that which will not benefit us in the hereafter will be seconds that are wasted and seconds that we will regret FOREVER!

And Allah knows best in all matters.

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Offline Romeesa-Chan

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How many times have you told yourself that this time you will be consistent? How many times did you promise to Allah and to yourself to never do that one sinful thing you always come back to doing whether it is backbiting, wasting a lot of time in front of the television (my biggest bad habit), or just having a negative outlook on life? I have been in situations where I made a decision to take up a good habit and be consistent in it — and after two or if I really tried, five days, I found that I abandoned my good habit and went back to my guilty pleasure. This is a big problem that many people face these days. We may find all sorts of excuses for why we don’t hold ourselves responsible for not staying consistent and wasting our precious time. We like to take the blame away from ourselves and put it on shaytan or the television or even where we live. Whenever someone asked if I finished the Quran, I always used to say, if I lived in a Muslim country I would have been a hafizah by now, it’s this country that I live in with its many distractions and corrupted ways that I lack consistency in doing good deeds, and in learning and practicing my religion; now I realize thinking like that in the first place is why I have not achieved my goals in becoming a better Muslimah a long time ago!

Shaytan is our biggest enemy because he likes to mislead us, make us lazy in worshipping Allah, even whispering evil things into our hearts—Shaytan promised Allah that he will mislead the children of Adam saying “O my Lord! Because you misled me, I shall indeed adorn the path of error for them (mankind) on the earth, and I shall mislead them all” (Quran 15:39). But at the end of it all on the Judgment day, Allah will not hold shaytan accountable for whatever sins we make. Every soul will be responsible for itself — Allah responded to shaytan by saying: “Certainly, you shall have no authority over My servants, except those of the astray who follow you. And surely, Hell is the place promised for them all” (Quran 15: 42, 43). So as much as we like to blame shaytan for our bad behaviors, he has no control over anyone. He only whispers and calls us to do sin and those who follow him will bring destruction and bad ending to their own souls.

What we have to do is take control of our self, for it is the nafs (self, psyche, ego or soul) that likes to cling to things which benefits it not. It is our nafs that hates waking up in the morning and making wudu, or getting up late in the night and standing for the night prayer. We must fight against shaytan as he is our enemy no doubt, but we must also fight against our nafs even more because the shaytan uses the nafs’ desires to make us astray of Allah’s path. We must take a strong hold of our desires and control them. This is part of staying consistent. To purify yourself from sin and bad habits, you have to stay consistent in doing good deeds and NOT getting bored with them no matter how big or small. Allah says in Surah Ash-Shams in the Holy Quran: “And by the soul and He who proportioned it; And inspired it (with discernment of) its wickedness and its righteousness; He has succeeded who purifies it, And he has failed who instills it (with corruption).” Then there’s the hadith of the Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam, which was narrated by our mother Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her—“the most beloved to Allah’s Apostle was that which was done continuously and regularly." (Sahih Bukhari, book # 76, Hadith #469).

So now the main question is, what do we do to stay consistent? Let’s say for example I want to read some of the Quran everyday, and I know this was not something I used to do before thus it will be hard for me in the beginning until I get used to it. How can I make this into a long term thing and make it last? These three rules are excellent to follow for anyone who wants to start a good deed and stay consistent with doing that good deed for the rest of their lives, InshaAllah.

Well, number one, the key to staying consistent is based on ones’ sincere intention. The most important thing is to make up your mind and intend on reaching your goal whether it is to read one surah every day, or to read a juz. Intention as we know is a big part of Islam because our Prophet, sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam told us in this famous hadith, “The actions are but judged according to intentions; and to every man is due what he intended.” I used to have trouble waking up for the morning prayer, and I’ll admit, I still do struggle with waking for fajr sometimes especially in the winter when it’s so cold. But for me, what helps me most is my intention to wake up in the morning. When I make up my mind and tell myself that I will wake up in the morning for fajr, subhanallah it doesn’t matter how late I went to sleep during the night. I wake up on time before my alarm clock rings in the morning.

The next most important thing to do to stay consistent is to set a realistic goal for yourself. Make a goal that will not be so hard for you to achieve. Coming back to if I want to read some of the Quran for example, I will want to start with at the most reciting one juz a day and the at the least two Suras a day. Every person knows themselves well enough to know what he/she can or cannot do. Take it one step at a time.

The last thing one needs to do stay consistent is: do something on a regular basis! This is important. You cannot start something today and just leave it and come back to it two weeks later. Pick something that will be easy, and that you can do everyday. I forgot to mention the most important of them all, and that is to always make du’a! Ask Allah for help because without the help of Allah we cannot achieve anything.
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Are these the two articles you sent to me via pm? :D

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Are these the two articles you sent to me via pm? :D

The 1st one, yes. ;D

The 2nd one, nope. It's new! ;) :D
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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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  • I WILL make a change inshAllah. =]
The 1st one, yes. ;D

The 2nd one, nope. It's new! ;) :D

The first one is AWESOME! Like really mashAllah. I was very glad you shared it with me!

I'm writing an article about time and all, so those will help me A LOT. I already said to myself that I'll use the articles Romeesa sent to me via pm because I found them VERY helpful mA. :D

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Romeesa-Chan

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  • "Be the person you want to meet."
The first one is AWESOME! Like really mashAllah. I was very glad you shared it with me!

I'm writing an article about time and all, so those will help me A LOT. I already said to myself that I'll use the articles Romeesa sent to me via pm because I found them VERY helpful mA. :D

Always glad to share whatever I have! ;D

Really? That's amazing! I wanna read! :D

Alhamdulillah! :D I am happy yuh used them! :D
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Its true, we cant blame satan for everything wrong that we do. I read a book about Satan and devils; how they can misguide us and how we should protect ourselves.

Here is a small part from it:

Allah did not give Satan the ability to compel mankind or force them to misguidance and disbelief.
Allah says in the Quran,
"Lo! My faithful bondsmen- over them you have no power, and your Lord suffices as their guardian" (al-Israa 65).

And He also said,
"And Satan indeed found his calculation true concerning them, for they follow him, all save a group of true believers. And he had no warrant whatsoever against them, save that We would know him who believes in the Hereafter from him who is in doubt thereof" (Saba 20-21).

The meaning is that Satan has no means of mastery over them, either through proofs against them or through any power over them.

Satan, himself, recognizes that fact as one can see in the following verse:
"He [Satan) said: My Lord! Because you have sent me astray, I verily shall adorn the path of error for them in the earth, and shall mislead them every one, save such of them as are your perfectly devoted slaves" (al-hijr 39-40)

On the Day of Resurrection, Satan will say to those who followed him in this world to misguidance and destruction,
"[Lo! Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then failed you.] And I had no power over you save that I called unto you and you obeyed me. I cannot help you, nor can you help me" (ibraheem 22)

Thanks a lot for sharing :)
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« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 09:42:31 pm by Ang3l »
If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

Reminder to myself: Stop worrying and start working

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Offline Romeesa-Chan

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  • "Be the person you want to meet."
Its true, we cant blame satan for everything wrong that we do. I read a book about Satan and devils; how they can misguide us and how we should protect ourselves.

Here is a small part from it:

Allah did not give Satan the ability to compel mankind or force them to misguidance and disbelief.
Allah says in the Quran,
"Lo! My faithful bondsmen- over them you have no power, and your Lord suffices as their guardian" (al-Israa 65).
And He also said,
"And Satan indeed found his calculation true concerning them, for they follow him, all save a group of true believers. And he had no warrant whatsoever against them, save that We would know him who believes in the Hereafter from him who is in doubt thereof" (Saba 20-21).
The meaning is that Satan has no means of mastery over them, either through proofs against them or through any power over them.

Satan, himself, recognizes that fact as one can see in the following verse:
"He [Satan) said: My Lord! Because you have sent me astray, I verily shall adorn the path of error for them in the earth, and shall mislead them every one, save such of them as are your perfectly devoted slaves" (al-hijr 39-40)

On the Day of Resurrection, Satan will say to those who followed him in this world to misguidance and destruction,
"[Lo! Allah promised you a promise of truth; and I promised you, then failed you.] And I had no power over you save that I called unto you and you obeyed me. I cannot help you, nor can you help me" (ibraheem 22)

Thanks a lot for sharing :)
+ rep

Exactly. He whispers but the action and decision is ours.

JazakAllah khair! (:

Afwan! Glad to! ;D
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