Author Topic: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!  (Read 2630 times)

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« on: July 21, 2011, 04:14:44 pm »
Okay so we had a thread started by the member Exam_Terrified almost 2 years back and in there she used to add random question so that everyone answers. It is fun and kills boredom. I'm starting a new thread for the new members since the other one got crowded already but I'll be copying the questions from there.

Here are some questions :


What do u think is one name that goes with a serial killer ?? 

Like jam ?? Ur favorite flavour ??

Want ur partner to be shorter or taller than u ??

Whats one song u think of when i say 'favorite song' ??

Longest u have ever slept 4 ??

Whats sth that always makes u feel better ??

U like Will Smith ??

Have u ever got stuck in an elevator ??

Which bothers u the most, subways or public restrooms ??

U ticklish ??    Does being tickled annoy u ??

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ??

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ??

Can You Multitask?

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ??

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ??

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ??

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers )

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ??

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !)

Kittens or puppies ??

Pickles or olives ??

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac   ??

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)??

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ??

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ??

Do u know ur blood-type ??

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ??

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2011, 04:23:02 pm »
I'll start. :P

What do u think is one name that goes with a serial killer ??  >> Serious filler ?

Like jam ?? Ur favorite flavour ?? Yes and it's blue, pink or black.

Want ur partner to be shorter or taller than u ?? Taller.

Whats one song u think of when i say 'favorite song' ?? Every Breath You Take or I'm Alive.

Longest u have ever slept 4 ?? 16 hours I guess?

Whats sth that always makes u feel better ?? When someone tells me I have a good influence on them.

U like Will Smith ?? Yup.

Have u ever got stuck in an elevator ?? Yes.

Which bothers u the most, subways or public restrooms ?? Public restrooms. UNCLEAN. =X

U ticklish ??    Does being tickled annoy u ?? Very and yes. ::)

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ?? Nature.

Can You Multitask? Yes, ofc. 8)

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ?? I'm sensitive.

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ?? Nah.

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers ) Roxy and Roxy. lol.

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ?? None.

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) NO. :o

Kittens or puppies ?? Kittens...<333 :D

Pickles or olives ?? Pickles 

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? When someone ACCUSED ME. Brought me to tears...

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? Tell me that they love me.=]

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)??

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ?? Weakness would be fighting with someone. Strength would be Islam.

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline HUSH1994

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2011, 06:47:24 pm »
What do u think is one name that goes with a serial killer ??  real chiller :P

Like jam ?? Ur favorite flavour ?? Yeah,blue,purple and black

Want ur partner to be shorter or taller than u ?? shorter

Whats one song u think of when i say 'favorite song' ?? heartkess-Kanye west

Longest u have ever slept 4 ?? 16 hours

Whats sth that always makes u feel better ?? walking and swimming

U like Will Smith ?? Quite much,hancock :)

Have u ever got stuck in an elevator ?? nah

Which bothers u the most, subways or public restrooms ?? public restrooms

U ticklish ??    Does being tickled annoy u ?? Yeah,alot :P

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ??

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ?? yeah

Can You Multitask? yeah

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ?? same height

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ??

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ?? alot of people

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers ) my bf,and its a secret  :-[

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ?? none :O

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !) I don't think so,I eat them though :P

Kittens or puppies ?? kittens

Pickles or olives ?? olives

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac   ?? I guess so

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you? spread a rumor about me

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? worry about me

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)?? doesn't matter :O

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ?? short temper,phyisal strength and confidence

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ?? Awwwwwww :P

Do u know ur blood-type ?? O+

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ?? Winter

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2011, 06:52:21 pm »

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers ) my bf,and its a secret  :-[

hahahaha, meeeeeeeen? Sho secret? Yalla spill the beads. :P Akeed ya3ni Rom. ::) :P

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ?? same height

What's your height?

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ?? alot of people

Hater. :P

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


Offline HUSH1994

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2011, 07:27:58 pm »
hahahaha, meeeeeeeen? Sho secret? Yalla spill the beads. :P Akeed ya3ni Rom. ::) :P

What's your height?

Hater. :P

You seem quote confident about it,but I'd simple say "no comment"
173 cm,exactly the same height as the fridge :O
Not really,I barely hate anyone but when I hate someone I DO hate,anyway their are only 2 people I hate in the whole world :O

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2011, 07:56:09 pm »
What do u think is one name that goes with a serial killer ?? 
Serial kisser. :P

Like jam ?? Ur favorite flavour ??

Yes. Strawberry/Cherry.

Want ur partner to be shorter or taller than u ??

Taller. ;D

Whats one song u think of when i say 'favorite song' ??
When your gone.

Longest u have ever slept 4 ??
24hours. :P

Whats sth that always makes u feel better ??
Prayer and reading Quran. ;D

U like Will Smith ??
He is fine.

Have u ever got stuck in an elevator ??
Sadly, no.

Which bothers u the most, subways or public restrooms ??
Public restrooms. They are disgusting.

U ticklish ??    Does being tickled annoy u ??
Sadly, yes. VERY MUCH.

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ??
My best friends. <3

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ??
Yes. Maybe. :P

Can You Multitask?
Yeah. 8)

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ??
Extra-sensitive. :-[

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ??
Nah. Not in my hands to decide. ::)

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers )
Whole SF. :P

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ??
None. 8)

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !)
No.  ::)

Kittens or puppies ??

Pickles or olives ??
Pickles FTW. 8)

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac   ??
Yes. :P

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?
Long list.

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
I dunno.

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ??
Losing loved one. Allah. (:

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ??
I look like a black-haired barbie doll. :P (by my sis)  :-[

Do u know ur blood-type ??
No idea.

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ??
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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2011, 09:09:33 pm »
What do u think is one name that goes with a serial killer ??
serial miller? :P

Like jam ?? Ur favorite flavour ??
nope and yes, blue and black! :)

Want ur partner to be shorter or taller than u ??
ofcourse taller ::)

Whats one song u think of when i say 'favorite song' ??
Desert rose, string.

Longest u have ever slept 4 ??
16 hours :D

Whats sth that always makes u feel better ??
going back to Quran ::)

U like Will Smith ??
just fine,

Have u ever got stuck in an elevator ??
yep, once when i was a kid.

Which bothers u the most, subways or public restrooms ??
public restrooms

U ticklish ??    Does being tickled annoy u ??
yes a lot.. and yes sometimes :P

What is the wallpaper of your cell phone ??
its a cat leaning to a book! :P

Do u crack ur knuckles & do u enjoy it ??
yes :P

Can You Multitask?
yes :P

Boys, are you taller then your fridge ??
ask 'em :P

Girls, is it easy to make you cry ??
no, not in case of me :)

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped ??
yes i know. i want to slap him to death! :P

If u were to spend a whole day with some1, who would it be ?? in real life & from this forum ?? (so, moi need 2 answers )
from Sf, of coarse golden girl <3.

Would u rather eat hot peppers or drink eggs ??
nothing!  >:(

Did u ever drink eggs ?? (if not, DONT even try. most disgusting think i've ever tasted !)
i never did and dont want to  :-\

Kittens or puppies ??
kittenssssssssss :D ::)

Pickles or olives ??

Does anyone sometimes outta nowhere crave for crazy things like how i crave for cerelac   ??
cerelac is my ans for this! :P

What's the meanest thing anyone has ever done to you?
used me!!  >:(

What's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you?
caring includes everything, and has been done by someone! :)

What is one question you wouldn't want me to ask (so i'd ask it next time)??
no as such

What is your greatest weakness ?? greatest strength ??
greatest weakness is that i can let go of ppl easily. greatest strength, m confident

What is the best compliment you have ever recieved ??
you are a life saver! :P

Do u know ur blood-type ??
yes. 0+

If the year consisted of one season which would you choose ??

All i Ever Did Was Love...And All You Did Was Lie... Never Understood It.But Never Asked You Why!?!?

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2011, 07:27:26 pm »
Can I ask? ;D :P

-Do you like baths or showers?
-Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry?
-At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water?
-Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go?
-Whats your favorite horror movie?
-Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking?
-Do you like to sing in the shower?
-Whats your favorite colour?
-Do you like curly hair or stright hair?
-Whats your favorite kind of drink?
-Do you untie your shose when you take them off?
-Whats your favorite book?
-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you love most and why?
-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you dislike most and why?
-Give me the names of people you love most and why?
-Give me the names of 3 people you dislike most and why?
-Tell me about something you really care about?
-Do you dream?
-What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?
-What was the best movie you saw this last year and why?
-What was your favorite game to play as a child?
-Would you rather be rich or healthy?
-Would you like to take a vacation together, and where?
-What is the most important thing you’re saving up for?
-Who influenced you most when you were a child?
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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2011, 08:54:44 pm »
I'll answer a few ^  :D

-Do you like baths or showers?


-Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry?

Towel Dry.

-At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water?

I dont know. Maybe Both.  :P

-Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go?

People catch fish to eat.  ::) :P

-Whats your favorite horror movie?

- Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking?

Yes.  :D

-Do you like to sing in the shower?

Nohoho.  :P

-Whats your favorite colour?

-Do you like curly hair or stright hair?


-Whats your favorite kind of drink?
Mango juice  ::)

-Do you untie your shose when you take them off?

-Whats your favorite book?
Harry Potter - the whole seires.

-Do you dream? Yes.

-Would you rather be rich or healthy? Healthy

-Would you like to take a vacation together, and where? Yes. Hawaii.  ::)


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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #9 on: July 28, 2011, 11:42:58 pm »
-Do you like baths or showers? Baths

-Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry? Towel dry

-At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water? Sand or BOTH!

-Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go? Depends on the fish's size.

-Whats your favorite horror movie? NONE!

-Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking? HA HA HA  ;D I lose my mind. ;D

-Do you like curly hair or stright hair? Both.

-Do you untie your shose when you take them off? Nopes.

-Whats your favorite book? A LOT.

-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you love most and why? The Quran, my laptop and electronics.

-Give me the names of people you love most and why? My family, my friends, prophet Muhammed pbuh.

-Give me the names of 3 people you dislike most and why? Forgive and forget. I dislike non.

-Tell me about something you really care about? My religion and every human being who suffer in this world.

-Do you dream? All the time.

-What is the most important thing you’re saving up for? The charity organization I want to build isA. =]

-Who influenced you most when you were a child? My mom and Dr.Amr khaled.

-Would you like to take a vacation together, and where? YEEEEEEES!!!!! GO ON VACTION WITH ROMEESA-CHAN WOULD BE THE BEST THING EVEEEEEEEEER! We will go to JAPAN to meet all the anime fans.  ;D
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 11:48:41 pm by SpongeBob-Mony »

Sometimes, ALLAH breaks our heart to make us whole.
Sometimes, ALLAH allows pain so we can be stronger.
Sometimes, ALLAH sends us failure so we can be humble.
Sometimes, ALLAH takes everything away from us so we can learn the value of everything HE gave us.

When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2011, 01:17:34 am »
Seems fun :D

Do you like baths or showers?

-Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry?
Let it dry plus towel dry :D

-At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water?
Both xD

-Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go?
I dont really eat fish so let them go ::)

-Whats your favorite horror movie?
I love it as long as it really is "horror"

-Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking?
No, I aint that crazy  :P

-Do you like to sing in the shower?

-Whats your favorite colour?

-Do you like curly hair or stright hair?
Straight and wavy

-Whats your favorite kind of drink?
Water  8)

-Do you untie your shose when you take them off?

-Whats your favorite book?
I cant decide on one plus I haven't read a lot of books

-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you love most and why?
Key chains/accessories, Chocolate, Food

-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you dislike most and why?
Umm, nothing really =S

-Give me the names of people you love most and why?
Same answer as mony :D

-Give me the names of 3 people you dislike most and why?
I dont really dislike anyone specifically except one person ::) but i dislike people:
1- who lie, 2- Who hurt the people I love (my family/friends), 3- who are racist

-Tell me about something you really care about?
I didnt really get this ::)

-Do you dream?
Of course

-What’s your favorite movie of all time and why?
Too many i guess

-What was the best movie you saw this last year and why?
Kung Fu panda! and do I need to say why? :p

-What was your favorite game to play as a child?
None really

-Would you rather be rich or healthy?

-Would you like to take a vacation together, and where?
Why not :D anywhere you like...! Oh wait, We will go to Bora-bora  ;D

-What is the most important thing you’re saving up for?
I am not saving up for anything right now  :-[

-Who influenced you most when you were a child?
My mom
« Last Edit: July 29, 2011, 01:20:12 am by Ang3l »
If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

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Offline HUSH1994

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2011, 11:40:26 am »
-Do you like baths or showers? Baths
-Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry? Towel dry
-At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water? Water
-Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go? Eat them
-Whats your favorite horror movie? Dead Silence
-Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking? No  ???
-Do you like to sing in the shower? Nah,sometimes I laugh for no reason though :S
-Whats your favorite colour? Black
-Do you like curly hair or stright hair? Straight
-Whats your favorite kind of drink? Smoothies,milkshakes,mainly these thick drinks
-Do you untie your shose when you take them off? Nah
-Whats your favorite book? Animosity
-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you love most and why? Chocolate,sour candies(esp wonka shockers) and my pillow :O
-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you dislike most and why? Laptops,really sweet candies,and balloons :O
-Give me the names of people you love most and why? It'll take forever
-Give me the names of 3 people you dislike most and why? Same as above
-Tell me about something you really care about? My friends
-Do you dream? to know whats the reason of myy existance
-What’s your favorite movie of all time and why? I dunno  :-\
-What was the best movie you saw this last year and why?No strings attached,it was hilarious :D
-What was your favorite game to play as a child? Gameboy pokemon
-Would you rather be rich or healthy? healthy
-Would you like to take a vacation together, and where?Sure,where ever you want to go :)
-What is the most important thing you’re saving up for? Nothing important,maybe marriage :O
-Who influenced you most when you were a child? the prophets companions,I loved anyone who had the guts,and used to weild a sword :)

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: Random QUESTIONS to answer. It's FUN!
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2011, 02:24:55 pm »
-Do you like baths or showers? Baths

-Do you blow dry your hair? or just let it dry on its own, or towel dry? Towel dry

-At the beach would you rather play in the sand, or play in the water? Sand or BOTH!

-Do you think people should eat the fish they catch, or just let them go? Depends on the fish's size.

-Whats your favorite horror movie? NONE!

-Do you do dance crazy when no one is looking? HA HA HA  ;D I lose my mind. ;D

-Do you like curly hair or stright hair? Both.

-Do you untie your shose when you take them off? Nopes.

-Whats your favorite book? A LOT.

-Give me the names of 3 objects or things you love most and why? The Quran, my laptop and electronics.

-Give me the names of people you love most and why? My family, my friends, prophet Muhammed pbuh.

-Give me the names of 3 people you dislike most and why? Forgive and forget. I dislike non.

-Tell me about something you really care about? My religion and every human being who suffer in this world.

-Do you dream? All the time.

-What is the most important thing you’re saving up for? The charity organization I want to build isA. =]

-Who influenced you most when you were a child? My mom and Dr.Amr khaled.

-Would you like to take a vacation together, and where? YEEEEEEES!!!!! GO ON VACTION WITH ROMEESA-CHAN WOULD BE THE BEST THING EVEEEEEEEEER! We will go to JAPAN to meet all the anime fans.  ;D[/b]

I have the EXACT same answer! :D

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!! Same here!!!!!! It will be AMAZING AND SO MUCH OF FUN! ;D
I am dreaming now! XD

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