When Islam says "Don't waste", it is in reality advocating efficiency, NOT "don't eat food because when the plastic-packet was made, 1000 kg of CO2 was released which will choke your children in the future". Islam advocates efficient use of resources for your well being and pleasure.
So, global warming says you should avoid using electricity, plastics, avoid eating food and using water. Whereas, Islam tells you to use whatever you have, efficiently. Which one is sensible?
Why advocate global warming when you know it is just a delusional hoax?
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Global Warming tells us to stop eating, using plastics and electricity? That doesn't even make sense!
How would we live then! This not what I am saying.
What does the word 'waste' means? To expend thoughtlessly or carelessly, so when we eat how about we don't throw the leftovers in the trash but give them to the poor or the cats/pigeons?
When we have the water, how about we don't leave the tab opened for 10 mins?
When using plastics, how about we reuse them again instead of throwing them to pollute the environment?
Not using the things Almighty has provided us with seems silly. =/
I have NO IDEA where I mentioned this.
I said reduce not stop using.