Author Topic: ~ Cancer ~  (Read 6483 times)

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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~ Cancer ~
« on: July 15, 2011, 11:02:55 am »

*Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body. The abnormal cells are termed cancer cells, malignant cells, or tumor cells. Many cancers and the abnormal cells that compose the cancer tissue are further identified by the name of the tissue that the abnormal cells originated from (for example, breast cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer). Cancer is not confined to humans; animals and other living organisms can get cancer. Below is a schematic that shows normal cell division and how when a cell is damaged or altered without repair to its system, the cell usually dies. Also shown is what can occur when such damaged or unrepaired cells do not die and become cancer cells and proliferate with uncontrolled growth; a mass of cancer cells develop. Frequently, cancer cells can break away from this original mass of cells, travel through the blood and lymph systems, and lodge in other organs where they can again repeat the uncontrolled growth cycle. This process of cancer cells leaving an area and growing in another body area is termed metastatic spread or metastatic disease. For example, if breast cancer cells spread to a bone (or anywhere else), it means that the individual has metastatic breast cancer.

There are over 200 types of cancers; most can fit into the following categories according to the National Cancer Institute:
•   Carcinoma: Cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs

•   Sarcoma: Cancer that begins in bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, or other connective or supportive tissue

•   Leukemia: Cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue such as the bone marrow and causes large numbers of abnormal blood cells to be produced and enter the blood

•   Lymphoma and myeloma: Cancers that begin in the cells of the immune system

•   Central nervous system cancers: Cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord

*What causes cancer?
Anything that may cause a normal body cell to develop abnormally potentially can cause cancer. Many things can cause cell abnormalities and have been linked to cancer development. Some cancer causes remain unknown while other cancers may develop from more than one known cause. Some may be developmentally influenced by a person's genetic makeup. Many patients develop cancer due to a combination of these factors. Although it is often difficult or impossible to determine the initiating event(s) that cause a cancer to develop in a specific person, research has provided clinicians with a number of likely causes that alone or in concert with other causes, are the likely candidates for initiating cancer. The following is a listing of major causes and is not all-inclusive as specific causes are routinely added as research advances:
Chemical or toxic compound exposures: Benzene, asbestos, nickel, cadmium, vinyl chloride, benzidine, N-nitrosamines, tobacco or cigarette smoke (contains at least 66 known potential carcinogenic chemicals and toxins), and aflatoxin
Ionizing radiation: Uranium, radon, ultraviolet rays from sunlight, radiation from alpha, beta, gamma, and X-ray-emitting sources
Pathogens: Human papillomavirus (HPV), EBV or Epstein-Barr virus,hepatitis viruses B and C, Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), Merkel cell polyomavirus, Schistosoma spp., and Helicobacter pylori; other bacteria are being researched as possible agents
Genetics: A number of specific cancers have been linked to human genes and are as follows: breast, ovarian, colorectal, prostate, skin and melanoma; the specific genes and other details are beyond the scope of this general article so the reader is referred to for more details about genetics and cancer.

*What are cancer symptoms and signs?
Symptoms and signs of cancer depend on the type of cancer, where it is located, and/or where the cancer cells have spread. For example, breast cancer may present as alump in the breast or as nipple dischargewhile metastatic breast cancer may present with symptoms of pain (if spread to bones), extreme fatigue (lungs), or seizures (brain). A few patients show no signs or symptoms until the cancer is far advanced. However, there are some signs and symptoms, although not specific, which usually occur in most cancer patients that are fairly easy for the person to detect. They are as follows:
•   Fever (no clear infectious source, recurrent or constant)

•   Fatigue (not relived by rest)

•   Weight loss (without trying to lose weight)

•   Pain (usually persistent)

•   Skin changes (coloration, sores that do not heal, white spots in mouth or on tongue, wart changes)

•   Change in bowel or bladder functions (including trouble swallowing orconstipation)

•   Unusual bleeding (mouth, vaginal, and bladder) or discharge

•   Persistent cough or change in voice

•   Lumps or tissue masses
Anyone with these signs and symptoms should consult their doctor.

*Can cancer be prevented?
Most clinicians and researchers are convinced that many cancers can either be prevented or the risk of developing cancers can be markedly reduced. Some of the methods are simple; others are relatively extreme, depending on an individual's view.
Prevention of cancer, by avoiding its potential causes, is the simplest method.

*The top five cancer-causing foods are:

1. Hot dogs
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.

2. Processed meats and bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.

3. Doughnuts
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, says Adams , may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

4. French fries
Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acryl amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries, said Adams .

5. Chips, crackers, and cookies
All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts of trans-fats.

(^Read more on it, please!)

Further reading:

~ Prevention is better than cure ~
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 11:05:25 am by Romeesa Chan »
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Offline Malak

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2011, 01:18:15 pm »
Thank you so much for all the info :)

I hope Allah protects us all from such diseases O_O
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 01:28:04 pm by Ang3l »
If you are a man who degrades women then allow me to respectfully remind you that you came from ONE

Reminder to myself: Stop worrying and start working

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Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2011, 01:26:58 pm »
Thank you fer reading, chere <3

Ameen. (:
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Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2011, 05:08:18 pm »
Thank you for sharing =D

It taught me loads ;D

Jazak Allah kair sis  :)
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

Please, Don't forget to Include GG in your Prayers =D

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2011, 05:15:49 pm »
Thank you for sharing =D

It taught me loads ;D

Jazak Allah kair sis  :)

JazakAllah khair fer reading, sis <333

If yuh can . . . yuh can share it with others as well. :D
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Offline The Golden Girl =D

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2011, 05:19:52 pm »
JazakAllah khair fer reading, sis <333

If yuh can . . . yuh can share it with others as well. :D

wa jazaki <3

Sure will do inshAllah =D
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

Please, Don't forget to Include GG in your Prayers =D

Offline Rvel Zahid

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2012, 05:44:26 am »
Breast Cancer: The most common cancer in woman. every 9th woman unfortunately gets the disease in Pakistan.
Breast cancer is a tumour (a mass of abnormal tissue) within the breast tissue. The majority of breast cancers begin in the milk ducts (intraductal cancers) however a small number start in the milk sacs or lobes.

The sign and sympotms: In the majority of woman breast cancer is first noticed as a lump in the breast. There are however other signs and symptoms which are important:-
swelling of the upper arm
rash on the skin around breast tissue
a lump or thinckening inside the breast
dimpling or puckering of the skin on the breast

How common it is?
Among 200 types of cancers, breast cancer is the most common cancer in the woman of the world and in Pakistan. Men can also develop breast cancer as they have breast tissue as well but it is uncommon. The chances of breast cancer increases as woman grow older.

Who is at risk?

All woman are at risk of developing breast cancer. there are a number of factors that put some woman at greater risk. These are:-
Family histories of breast cancer- woman whose mothers, grandmothers, aunts or sisters have developed breast cancer.

Age chances of developing breast cancer increase.

It is important to remeber that if several risk factors are present it does not mean that breast cancer will develop for certain. it is also important to note that 75% of women who develop breast cancer have no risk factors at all.

Breast Cancer Myths

there are many myths about breast cancer. the following factors may help to clarify what you have read.
a blow to the breast will not cause it
breast cancer is not contagious
breast feeding does not cause or protect from breast cancer

Examination by a doctor:
In addition to self breast examination, every woman over 35 years old of age should ask her doctor for diagnose..

Mammography is a very special x ray of the breast and gives mor einfromation about the lump..
to be continued......
reference Shaukat Khanam Hospital and Royal Marsden Hospital NHS Foundation trust, London.

Offline ~ Miss Relina ~

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2012, 10:24:17 am »

*Can cancer be prevented?
Most clinicians and researchers are convinced that many cancers can either be prevented or the risk of developing cancers can be markedly reduced. Some of the methods are simple; others are relatively extreme, depending on an individual's view.
Prevention of cancer, by avoiding its potential causes, is the simplest method. [/color]

*The top five cancer-causing foods are:

1. Hot dogs
Because they are high in nitrates, the Cancer Prevention Coalition advises that children eat no more than 12 hot dogs a month. If you can't live without hot dogs, buy those made without sodium nitrate.

2. Processed meats and bacon
Also high in the same sodium nitrates found in hot dogs, bacon, and other processed meats raise the risk of heart disease. The saturated fat in bacon also contributes to cancer.

3. Doughnuts
Doughnuts are cancer-causing double trouble. First, they are made with white flour, sugar, and hydrogenated oils, then fried at high temperatures. Doughnuts, says Adams , may be the worst food you can possibly eat to raise your risk of cancer.

4. French fries
Like doughnuts, French fries are made with hydrogenated oils and then fried at high temperatures. They also contain cancer- causing acryl amides which occur during the frying process. They should be called cancer fries, not French fries, said Adams .

5. Chips, crackers, and cookies
All are usually made with white flour and sugar. Even the ones whose labels claim to be free of trans-fats generally contain small amounts of trans-fats.

(^Read more on it, please!)

Further reading:

~ Prevention is better than cure ~

 that part makes me feel extremely sad
 Can't imagine our lives without french fries ???

anyways , they're really useful thanks alto
~~~Yarab everything turns alright at the end ~~~

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #8 on: April 20, 2012, 03:58:11 pm »
 that part makes me feel extremely sad
 Can't imagine our lives without french fries ???

anyways , they're really useful thanks alto

It is hard (I'm a junk eater myself).

Thank you for reading. I seriously need to change my eating habit as well. :-[
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Offline Rvel Zahid

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #9 on: April 20, 2012, 05:50:51 pm »
NEW YORK: Doctors are too quick to recommend expensive genetic counseling or testing for ovarian cancer, but at the same time often fail to refer women at high risk for the disease, U.S. government researchers said.
Ovarian cancer isn’t very common – it strikes just one in 71 women, many of them elderly, whereas one in eight women get breast cancer. But because there aren’t any good screening tests for ovarian cancer, it’s usually not discovered until it’s too late.
But a survey of nearly 1,900 U.S. physicians, published in the journal Cancer, found that about 30 per cent said they’d refer women at average risk of the disease, although several guidelines discourage that. By contrast, as many as 60 per cent said they wouldn’t refer a woman at high risk, which guidelines do encourage.
“You would be over-testing a lot of women, spending a lot of resources and a lot of money,” said Jacqueline Miller at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, who worked on the survey.
It’s also possible that there would be some false alarms as well, exposing women to unnecessary treatment and other harms, she added.
“For a lot of women, just going through the test creates a lot of anxiety,” she said.
A small per centage of women carry mutations in the BRCA 1 and 2 genes, which make them very likely to develop both breast and ovarian cancer. Myriad Genetics, a Salt Lake City-based company, charges $3,340 to test for BRCA 1 and 2 cancer-causing mutations – but told Reuters Health that patients usually only pay $100 out of pocket.
Given that just one in 300 or fewer women carry the mutations, testing those at average risk would put needless strain on the health care system, Miller added.
The survey was based on three fictional patient scenarios – one at average risk, one at medium risk and one at high risk.
The US Preventive Services Talk Force (USPSTF), a federally-supported expert panel, advises against routine counseling and testing for women who don’t have suspicious cases of cancer in their family, such as two close relatives with breast cancer, one of whom got it before age 50.
“High risk is a little bit complicated,” said Michael LeFevre of the USPSTF. “Physicians can’t be expected to carry all of these nuances around in their brain, but I think they should know what the triggers are.”
The survey suggested that doctors who were better at assessing risk were more likely to follow the guidelines. Yet even when they correctly put a woman in the average risk category, 22 per cent of doctors still referred her for counseling or testing.
“Physicians aren’t doing as good a job as we should at identifying people who should and should not be referred for counseling or testing,” said LeFevre.
For those women at high risk, getting genetic counseling and possibly testing may help them decide how they want to deal with that risk.
For instance, 57 per cent of women with BRCA 1 mutations get breast cancer by age 70, and 40 per cent get ovarian cancer.
Choosing to have the breast and ovaries removed, or taking certain medications, will cut that risk, said Miller.
The most important lesson from the new findings are to make sure that women at high risk are identified so they can get the right counseling, she added. But she said that women should never agree to get tested without knowing the reasons.
“You should have that conversation with your provider: why do you feel I’m at high risk? If a physician tells you you should get genetic counseling, you should understand why,” she added :D

Offline Romeesa-Chan

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #10 on: April 20, 2012, 06:59:40 pm »
Too bad that they've not found the exact cause of Ovarian cancer.
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Offline Rvel Zahid

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Re: ~ Cancer ~
« Reply #11 on: April 20, 2012, 10:21:55 pm »
actually there are many factors involved in having a probability of getting cancer. sometimes you have excellent diet still you end up having cancer. it maybe due to genetic factor that the alleles were present in your body and they have to mutate in a wrong way at some stage of life. so genetic screening and a yearly check up of your body is very essential. for breast cancer you must have mammogram on a yearly basis after 40 years of age... i know because one of my dear is going through cancer treatment. i have observed that generally people are very careless that they can never catch a non-infectious disease like cancer. but it is a silent disease. it doesn't shows its symptoms early. and you may ignore it but the tumour might be building up inside. so keep check over your health condition.

i really hope that in some years cancer treatment gets easier, cheaper and less painful. the chemotherapy or the drugs used to kill the cancer cells can cause some troublesome. its sometimes hard for pataints. its a long treatment if not diagnosed early. breast cancer is 100 % curable form of cancer. most common in Asia. and in Pakistan every 9th lady unfortunately at some stage of her life will develop it. so better have a regular check up in old age. if people are not educated around us and there is a lack of awareness then its our duty to convince them and take them for check ups, i have observed that older people are shy and hesitate to visit hospital. they just don't like the feeling of being a pataint. who likes it? but we gotta make it as a part of our life. and yes very important thing, cancer is not dangerous as it sounds. like people think life is over if you are diagnosed with cancer. its totally wrong. it is a normal disease nowadays. there are 200 forms of cancer which exists. cancer is not lethal at all if you diagnose it at right time. obviously you won't delay it until it gets to stage 5 where you experience intense changes in body. so mostly its diagnosed in stage 2 or 3 which is curable. .....