Author Topic: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?  (Read 5722 times)

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« on: July 11, 2011, 02:02:48 pm »
Facebook is the world's largest social network, with more than 400 million users. Facebook was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, who recently stated, "It's a large number, but the way we think about this is that we're just getting started on our goal of connecting everyone!"

50 percent of the 400 million users log on to Facebook in any given day
More than 60 million status updates posted each day
More than 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month
More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week
More than 1.5 million local businesses have active pages on Facebook
Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans

Shall we blame what is happening to the Arab world on FB ? Or shall we thank FB for that ?
Post your views. =]

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2011, 02:11:11 pm »
Blame FB, why? I'll post the answer, but not now, let everyone post and share his opinion first.

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2011, 02:19:50 pm »
Choice is ours. We can't blame anyone fer the choices we make. Enough said.  8) :P
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Offline sabbath_92

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2011, 02:21:10 pm »
What has Facebook got to do with it. Even if you argue that Facebook has enabled easier transmission of information how can that be a bad thing? Without platforms like these thousands of people could have been killed by governments desperate to cling on to power and noone outside would know.

Apart from that though I think Facebook is a nuisance. I don't think it's private enough and I don't like the fact that they keep my information that I have entered on it in the past on their servers and even deactivating it doesn't change anything. I recently got a google plus account and I like it much more than Facebook, although none of my friends have yet got the hang of it  ::).

And also some people use facebook just for bragging about how good a social life they have, "Oh look I go parties every weekend and I have LOADS of albums of me posing in different stances on my facebook to prove it". Inevitably a bunch of morons like those pictures and comment on how gorgeous they look (even they look like a horse). Lots of pretence. That's why facebook seems jarring at times. But it's all laughs I suppose.

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2011, 03:18:23 pm »
What has Facebook got to do with it. Even if you argue that Facebook has enabled easier transmission of information how can that be a bad thing? Without platforms like these thousands of people could have been killed by governments desperate to cling on to power and noone outside would know.

Don't you think FB got NO LIMITS?

I believe everything in this world MUST have limits and in FB how many pages and groups were created offending other religions, cultures, countries, people? How many pages and groups were created containing content xxx in them?

People go to FB because they see it as freedom, but if this is how everyone define freedom as insulting, offending, hating and making others feel bad then I prefer being enchanted with chains but not have my Prophet, my God and my country being made fun off.

FB is a delusion or rather a virtual space. We forget our real lives, we stop doing activities and facing reality and then we end up being like sick physically and mentally. 

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Please make them strong ya Allah...


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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2011, 09:10:40 pm »
it totally depends on you.

i am not a fb addict nor i rush update everything single thing happening with me. but yes my updates and posts are there to remind my friends that m not dead ::)

for me its really a blessing. i lost 3,4 of my dearest friends. they shifted to dxb and there was no contact with them. as the time passed, i forgot them as well. but after 5 years, thanks to fb that i got'em back!!
not actually this, many of the news updates (thanks to the ppl for creating this pages) are very beneficial to us, specially for ppl like me living in pak!

99% of my friends circle use fb daily. but only 50% of them are in contact with me on phone. so just sending them a msg over fb is so very easy. no extra charges for that, task is also done and its easy to handle too. ::)

as far as religious and other matters are concerned then its bound to take place in every social networking site! why blaming fb only? go on twitter, you'll find more than that. its just that people often forgets their limit :)
as fas as useless friendships and relations are concerned then again it depends on you. edit your privacy setting. donot accept everyone in your friends circle or do not post up everything! :)

its also a sort of venue for teasing, having fun and pulling legs of your friends (of coarse in limits!) for eg, if your team won and your friend's team lost the match. your if you gotta excellent grades to share with your friends over seas etc etc! :)

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Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2011, 10:05:10 pm »

for me its really a blessing. i lost 3,4 of my dearest friends. they shifted to dxb and there was no contact with them. as the time passed, i forgot them as well. but after 5 years, thanks to fb that i got'em back!!
not actually this, many of the news updates (thanks to the ppl for creating this pages) are very beneficial to us, specially for ppl like me living in pak!

99% of my friends circle use fb daily. but only 50% of them are in contact with me on phone. so just sending them a msg over fb is so very easy. no extra charges for that, task is also done and its easy to handle too. ::)

Can't that be the task of MSN or yahoo? It's not like it's only FB that connects us with those who are far.

as far as religious and other matters are concerned then its bound to take place in every social networking site! why blaming fb only? go on twitter, you'll find more than that. its just that people often forgets their limit :)
as fas as useless friendships and relations are concerned then again it depends on you. edit your privacy setting. donot accept everyone in your friends circle or do not post up everything! :)

Isn't SF considered one? We have RULES. Why can't FB have that?

Yes, it all depends on us but don't you believe that the people around us have an influence ? Do you think I can watch bad channels on the TV expecting it won't affect me ?

An enemy from any other part of the world might use FB as a source for convincing youngsters to go against their leaders or perhaps their own country. Do you like what's happening in the Arab world? Or should I say the entire Muslim world? How many countries are left without a war or a protest? Don't you believe that FB is one of the main reason the above change is happening in our world today?

And I don't believe any other social network contained an offending drawings of my Prophet pbuh as much as FB did. Pages and groups are created on DAILY-BASIS offending people, religion and cultures.

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When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #7 on: July 12, 2011, 09:51:40 am »
The internet, as a whole, is based on free speech. In fact, it is the only medium where you cannot be force-fed with info. eg. In radio, TV, tabloids and newspapers, they publish only what 'they' want to publish. What they publish is almost always influenced and biased by their owners.

Whereas, in the internet, what you want to see is entirely your OWN CHOICE.  You just can't be force fed with anything. Complete regulation of the internet is both impossible and not necessary.

Thus, I would say that not only facebook, but the whole internet is a huge blessing. It is entirely your choice what you want to see. You can spend your time reading informative stuffs, watching movie or even by watching pornography.

Regarding the arab protests, recently I've seen a trend: "lack of intelligence". Yes! More and more people are becoming gullible and irresponsible. They'll do whatever you tell them if you manage to put a good image to yourself! You want your government to change your policies, do it by reaching out to your government. This can be done by petitions, letters or peaceful protests etc. If there is a substantial opposition to something, every govt. knows that they'll have to act. But why create anarchy? By creating anarchy, you are promoting lawlessness and giving the criminals and thiefs a safe hand to do whatever they want while you protest. Is this SO difficult to understand? I mean, how can people lack the brains to understand this simple thing? By trying to bring one man down, you destroy your economy and allow lawlessness.

Therefore, I don't blame facebook. There are as many good pages and good news portals in facebook as there are some portals promoting lawlessness. It is your choice of what you want to do and where you want to go, just like the rest of the internet. I blame the "lack of intelligence" on part of the people living in their respective country. They cannot think for themselves. In fact, they can't even think logically on a basic level.

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #8 on: July 12, 2011, 05:22:16 pm »

Regarding the arab protests, recently I've seen a trend: "lack of intelligence". Yes! More and more people are becoming gullible and irresponsible. They'll do whatever you tell them if you manage to put a good image to yourself! You want your government to change your policies, do it by reaching out to your government. This can be done by petitions, letters or peaceful protests etc. If there is a substantial opposition to something, every govt. knows that they'll have to act. But why create anarchy? By creating anarchy, you are promoting lawlessness and giving the criminals and thiefs a safe hand to do whatever they want while you protest. Is this SO difficult to understand? I mean, how can people lack the brains to understand this simple thing? By trying to bring one man down, you destroy your economy and allow lawlessness.

Therefore, I don't blame facebook. There are as many good pages and good news portals in facebook as there are some portals promoting lawlessness. It is your choice of what you want to do and where you want to go, just like the rest of the internet. I blame the "lack of intelligence" on part of the people living in their respective country. They cannot think for themselves. In fact, they can't even think logically on a basic level.

Great. =] If we could only be more intelligent and not destroy our countries with our own hands...

Thank you Borakk. I agree with all what you said!

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When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...


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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2011, 05:55:12 pm »
Great. =] If we could only be more intelligent and not destroy our countries with our own hands...

Thank you Borakk. I agree with all what you said!

Welcome! Yeah, it is the intelligence which matters. Facebook is just another platform, to be used in a good or bad way.

Offline sabbath_92

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2011, 03:14:18 pm »
No people should and are able to do what they want. Limits are subjective and just because you find it wrong doesn't mean it is wrong to someone else. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. That's how I look at it anyway, because it is subjective. You may not agree, but that doesn't make it off limits or wrong.

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2011, 10:49:13 am »
I'll agree with Stylish on this one.

Like most other articles of use and instruction that we've invented in the past century since the Industrial Revolution come with the opportunity of choice. The fundamental of human psyche which seems to differ it from animals is his capability of discerning between right and wrong (through whichever scale of morality he wishes to refer to), logical and illogical, beneficial and harmful. Animal instincts and innate responses are common to the entire living world, but what makes humans tick is their capability to decide apart from these instincts and think beyond them.

Hence, we should remember that we must guard our animal instincts round the clock--we are capable of creating items of much felicity and misery at the same time, which implies we must handle them with a sound approach, not letting animal instincts get the better of us. I would not say that Facebook is an anomaly and a base for anarchy, it is being used for a variety of reasons from reunion of long-lost friends, community bonding, religious, cultural and social awareness, entertainment to unhealthy addiction, competition, jealously and boasting, sectarianism, spreading hate and dissent up to anarchy. Our choice will determine whether Facebook will develop as a weapon of mass destruction or Mother Teresa's favorite pastime. :P
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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2011, 07:48:51 pm »
The internet, as a whole, is based on free speech. In fact, it is the only medium where you cannot be force-fed with info. eg. In radio, TV, tabloids and newspapers, they publish only what 'they' want to publish. What they publish is almost always influenced and biased by their owners.

Whereas, in the internet, what you want to see is entirely your OWN CHOICE.  You just can't be force fed with anything. Complete regulation of the internet is both impossible and not necessary.

Thus, I would say that not only facebook, but the whole internet is a huge blessing. It is entirely your choice what you want to see. You can spend your time reading informative stuffs, watching movie or even by watching pornography.

Regarding the arab protests, recently I've seen a trend: "lack of intelligence". Yes! More and more people are becoming gullible and irresponsible. They'll do whatever you tell them if you manage to put a good image to yourself! You want your government to change your policies, do it by reaching out to your government. This can be done by petitions, letters or peaceful protests etc. If there is a substantial opposition to something, every govt. knows that they'll have to act. But why create anarchy? By creating anarchy, you are promoting lawlessness and giving the criminals and thiefs a safe hand to do whatever they want while you protest. Is this SO difficult to understand? I mean, how can people lack the brains to understand this simple thing? By trying to bring one man down, you destroy your economy and allow lawlessness.

Therefore, I don't blame facebook. There are as many good pages and good news portals in facebook as there are some portals promoting lawlessness. It is your choice of what you want to do and where you want to go, just like the rest of the internet. I blame the "lack of intelligence" on part of the people living in their respective country. They cannot think for themselves. In fact, they can't even think logically on a basic level.

Well said. (Y)

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #13 on: July 15, 2011, 01:27:26 pm »
When Mumbai was rocked by 3 blasts. Mobile network crashed for help and FACEBOOK and TWITTER served the communications between people.

Offline Shoshou..Mony

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Re: Facebook is a curse or a blessing ?
« Reply #14 on: July 15, 2011, 03:06:52 pm »
When Mumbai was rocked by 3 blasts. Mobile network crashed for help and FACEBOOK and TWITTER served the communications between people.

I like that very much. =]

An advantage, indeed.

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When Allah leads you to the edge of difficulty... either ALLAH will catch you when you fall or ALLAH will teach you how to fly! =]

Please make them strong ya Allah...
