hmmmmm..lets see..By the way this post has a good intention!! <3
my Good points: patience,tolerence(i hv alot of siblings dats why
), sympathic, i smile evn dou im sad so dat nobody gets affected by my problems.......i guess dats all..
( i work hard 2 find new ones
my bad points: laziness, stupidity(i dnt get a serious situation until its pointed out 2 me), i NVER say sorry frst, i lie 2 get away frm trouble, too quiet sometimes dat ppl think i dnt like them...
man i cant tink of anymre...
P.Ssome times i feel EVIL!! :p
Patience and tolerance are the best..<3 And that's why you always prefer hiding your sad feelings inside you.
Quietness isn't really a negative point but rather a personality. You may find some people talkative while others prefer to to listen more than talk. I find quiet people very smart as they listen more than they speak and thus learn from people's mistakes. BUT often when meeting someone...people don't get easily with those who speak less, that's why getting involved into a conversation is good at times. It just needs some confidence.
Laziness is a bad habit in all of us, but it's really harmful when it starts controlling someone's life like making them stay away from prayers because they are so lazy to have wudu, having the house unclean, not going out or having a job but prefer sitting at home and watching the tv, etc, and then that person becomes extremely lazy and loses most of the fun in this world and all the adventure by being lazy!
Even for your own health sake, it's healthier to move around a lot.
Lying/not apologizing... I think we all get in troubles and we ALL do mistakes. You will never change if you won't ever admit your own mistake. Last month, I was very angry that I ended up offending 4 people. Those people got hurt and offended me back. It was painful, for a person like me, because rarely people offend me, but what I did was...think again of my own mistake and put myself in other people's shoe and think how much pain I caused them. I didn't like it that they offended me BUT surely they didn't like it that I offended them either! When a person apologizes to you even though you are the one who made the sin or started it, you feel VERY embarrassed. In fact, you feel guilt and regret for being mean to them.
So I decided to be the one who start with the apologizing. I pointed my mistake and pointed out their's kindly to them. And in this way, they also realized their mistake and apologized to me also. The person who starts with the apology, is the better person to God. =]
There is nothing wrong with doing mistakes and admitting it rather than lying to run away with the fault, because it only brings you regret and guilt. A brave person is not the one who doesn't do mistakes at all, but the one who ADMITS his/her mistakes and try their best to fix them. We are humans, not angels. =]
Thank YOU for posting! I really hope I see you posting a lot more in the forum!