Great Video indeed.
Let me tell you a (True) Story, not a story actually, but a conversation, between me and one of my friends.
The Guy lives in USA, and he is a Muslim.
CMIYC: Friend, Abod: me
Abod: Hi

CMIYC: So where do you live, Kuwait, right?
Abod: Yup
CMIYC: So how do you go to school, by camel?
Abod: =.= no, we have a car.
CMIYC: No dude, you Arabs, ride camels.
Abod: Wrong, we have cars here.
CMIYC: Great, and where do you sleep? Tents?
Abod: huh? you must be kidding me, we live in houses?
CMIYC: How come? Nothing is there, but Deserts.
Abod: Yes, we have deserts too, but we live in a HOUSE.
CMIYC: Ah, I see...., people there are very rich, everyone has his own oil tank.
Abod: Wrong, these are owned by the country, not the people.
CMIYC: I see.
at that day I was like =.=, whats wrong with the guy?