Author Topic: NUS engineering  (Read 1604 times)

Offline Nexus

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NUS engineering
« on: July 06, 2011, 07:00:23 pm »
Recently I heard from my  previous batch that 2 of them applied to NUS with 2A*2A and git rejected for engineering.Furthermore I heard that even with 4A* you cannot enter NUS engineering faculty!! >:( >:( >:(
Is there any truth in this? I mean come on more than 4A* is out of reach for me!! :-[
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Re: NUS engineering
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2011, 10:52:12 pm »
I can't help you with this because I have no idea about this particular university. However, as a fellow member I suggest that you don't double post ;) It's against the forum rules.
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Qura'n, Chapter 55: The Beneficent, Verses 26-28