@Gigi, thanks ya 2albi. Da3watak. =]
@Mujtabam, 10 years? I doubt it. A week and they'd get poor again. lol. The police man was telling me about other stories..like a robber stole a Mac Laptop for 12 000 and he sold it for only 1000 because he didn't understand. >_< They'd sell all our things.
Yeah..Allah is the giver and taker. To Him we belong, to Him we will return at the end. =]
@SE, yes..the revolution..so much for that revolution. So much change that the economy fell, 30 000 prisoners escaped from jail, many people lost their jobs, many innocent citizens being robbed and killed etc... BUT at least the bad people left and hmmm people got the 'FREEDOM' they wanted. So much paid for that freedom.
Thanks A LOT bro. God bless you. =]