Begin a summary with

i dont know, it depends on the question
Begin an article with: In the following article im going to discuss the ...
Begin a letter with: Dear sir/madame < -- formal
Hey Pal < -- informal
Types of questions:
well the paper is divided into 7 exercises
Ex 1 - Easy comperhension
Ex 2 - Hard comperhension
Ex 3 - Form filling
Ex 4 - Note making
Ex 5 - A summary
Ex 6 - Easy writing (letter, diary entry, etc.)
Ex 7 - Hard writing (argument, review, article, etc.)
How to do this:
Report - I dunno what's a report, is it like a review of something ? if it is, describe the thing ur reporting, the plot of the thing ur reporting, why u liked/disliked the thing ur reporting
Speech - same as writing a letter, but it has to be more "loud"
Diary entry - personal and private, talk to ur self !!
what else - thats the hardest question and i couldnt do it

i hope i helped