New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Hehe It was fun though
LOL fideetah la MU yi7awil yistahbeel willa 2eesh Main Point = GG's Back ...Wait I wasn't even gone in the first place o.O
Is that me, called by you ?
LOL ..Nah I have ALWAYS called you only one ,haven't I It is an Arabic word that sort of means Adorable
Oh yes ! Good word.
LOL ...Wallah Ino Saud fadee7a xP Just kidding I went to Saudi Arabia for a week for Umrah i.e. I went to Mecca and Medina
You guys can't tease me ana arif arabic ^_^By the way, mom sorry about that @Mony: You really need to translate that for me
Wallah ..Don't let me start lad *Evil Laugh* No probs ..I already forgot about it
Lets go i have mony on my side
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I'm the judge!1, 2 ,3 >> GO!Fight fight fight!
Hope you guys don't want me to start with my urdu
Guys plz stop talking in Arabic for gods sake