New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
When I have gum in my mouth and dinnertime suddenly drops outta nowhere, I tuck the gum in my cheek and have dinner with it...OR...I put the gum at the edge of a plate and pop it back into my mouth after dinner.. or lunch or brunch or whatever....
I'm highly skilled in things (and love doing them) which are of least important in my life -.-
I have a tendency of getting bored of people or things for a while. My sister is afraid for my hubby.
LOL!You'll soon be changing "hubbies" on a regular schedule!
God forbid. Allah na kare. I'd never leave him ...
Which one, the first 'him', the last one or all the others in between? Weirdness: I always bathe with steaming water, even in the middle of the summers with sweat pouring off like buckets...