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i space out for a few hours before i sleep,thats why i go early to bed,sometimes i space out for over 4 hours,its not bad though,i do it by my own will,its not like i don't want to space out but i do ;(
Oh that happens to me but ONLY before sleep and sometimes not always ^ Chips with yoghurt O_O lol...
Wierdnesss Lemme know wen I m not Weird According To Me Well..I wake Up Early In the morning Even In Holidays Like At 6 never sleep back And Listen to Songs(Paki Songs).
Its Hard For me To Be All Nice To a Stranger. I Stare At my self On the Mirror And Swear Bad..
At times I get All Gay . I whistle At Guys.. I Love Bullyin I randomly go hug My mom And My friends idk Wen I m all depressed.. Feel Like Wen its End Of the World.
I space out quite often,i have no idea,i just have too much things on my mind,i even spaced out for 25 mins in the AS P1(pure) exam i f anyone that doesn't know me looks at my face he'd simply say i've got all the world problems in my life,although i love my life ^^
I hate the light,noise(any sound tbh) and i prefer being alone :OI'm the first one who sleeps in the house although im the oldest,even my sister in KG2 sleeps after me I overconfident,i never hesitate or waver :O
@Iluvme, well..not all girls like cooking you see. @Romeesa, LOL! I also eat chipd with yogurt! Maybe we are twins after all! @Nidz :That's healthy. =] Not the listening to music part though. I assumed that when we first met. You weren't so nice to me. HAHAHAHAHAHA...YOU CRAZY! That made me LOL! Swearing bad while staring at the mirror. TOTAL weirdness. Get gay? Like dress up like Jonnas Brother and sing like Justin Beiber? LOOOOOL second one is MEAN. God ...I hate bullying. I have to SCOLD anyone who does it. Third one...awwwwww <3 this is very sweet, cute and adorable.
HAHAHAHA. I always thought I was lame but THANK YOU romeesa..this makes me VERY happy that I made someone smile! Between..I don't hate Jonas Brothers or Justin Beiber but I'm just saying that cause everyone things they are GAYS.
Day dreamer much? Too much thinking...tires the brain at times and makes you more stressful.That's sad..you should SMILE more often then. =]EMO much? LOOOOL KG2 SIS! Get her to meee! hmmm..overconfidence is just arrogance.
^ LOL this reminded me of something...You guys know the song titled "Never say never" there are two different songs with different singers but the song title is the same, One is by "The Fray" and the other is by "Justin beiber"Okay, so I was watching the video on youtube for the song by The Fray and someone commented:"I searched for never say never and Justin Beiber came up, No wonder the world is going to end soon" HAHA No offense to anyone
I HATE bugs. Is that weird?
Not at all