New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
I changed it only yesterday. To suit the lady Amelia. I'll change it when I change my name again. Which reminds me, I've to think of a new name.
I would've chosen a Classical picture as in like those ladies in Pride and Prejudice LOL what's next ?
The picture aint clear? Because, she is classic. I dont know, something eccentric. I'm waiting for Muji, so we can resume the silly game.
I'm right here How about something related to school this time?
Or university. What do you suggest?
How 'bout Frenzeeble and Hictecable?? ^Anyway no fair, its your turn to brainstorm @ GG--No emoticon can express myself atm -,-
AWWWWWW.. Fine effffffffft 'sigh' {I actually feel a tiny bit guilty =,= }Go to Jannah
YESH she's guilty!! ....@Amelia: Haha what a good way to begin school! Fine I'll be reverse trans.
Shut up =,= (to muj only )Can't wait to see what you're names are gonna be like xD
Roo7i teer...and fly fast about changing names permanently...