New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
i already mentioned it rite ? , in fact its the first post lolll !!
ohh you go with doors
Windows! no doubtThe reason why linux don't have many viruses is because it isn't much popular compared to windows.
ya yo have a good reason
isnt that the samething wat i said
haha! sorry i didn't read your post before if you really said it.if not, I'm cool!
na he had the correct points , very few viruses are made for linux as its not recognised as a commercial product , i mean its free & not many people use it !& linux File systems are completely different from windows , so most of windows virused dont work in linux.& we gotta accept linux is faster & efficient than windows because many people develop it & the best is choseneven you can submit a code for linux OS & they choose the best & most efficient codes.& most of the servers are linux as they are extreamly efficient @ networking & most of the networking languages like PHP , HTML , JAVA & many others support linux.
i think it says it in here rite hehe
Hey i never said i was a non-windows guy... i am using windows on my laptop..
i use windows .. alothou i noe apple is beter.. linux.. yea only in one manner...but u really cant do much in it so apple is beter..but as i use a shared computer i use windows
ohh the main prob Apple is it has it's specific software's not other do work in this