We found a penny on the side of the road AND we were happy and decided to keep it in our pockets AND not to touch it And keep it a secret AND not to inform the Police or FBI AND it worked for a bit however someone happened to see us AND Called the police!!! We tried running AND we dropped the coin. we turned around AND the police picked up the coiN and we kept running AND they caught qudsiya and assi too AND Abod too .. we took a ride in silence AND Suddenly a huge rock falls from the top of the hill nearby killing all of them but Qudsiyah; she pushed herself our from the smashed van AND and nobody dropped that rock and Qudsiyah cried over all her friends but realised she had to move on ... thought there must be someone responsible for that rock AND Qudsiyah cried over all her friends but realised she had to move on ... thought there must be someone responsible for that rock and found out that it was nut nature, no one would like to kill those awesome guys AND she realised they truly were awesome .... she missed them very much ... but then she never looked back .. backup police were on their away .. she had to make a move .. she started moving towards her mansion AND she made her move .... ran and ran .. hoping someone could pick her up ... AND suddenly a Pegasus comes up to her with a human looking body on it and pulled her up AND she tried to scream but her mouth had been covered and they flew away AND she thought about who she had left behind .. jow she was going to deal with all the drama AND she knew that she'll be able to do it! drama was her thing AND he knew ... her friends would have wanted her to do this; be strong .. and move away and she punched the Pegasus in the stomach and got on a nearby horse & neighed it away and she mounted on the horse and suddnly saw an alien & thought that i am dreaming & wished Dasith was there to pinch her and after a closer look the alien was not a "her" & she tried pulling away ... remembering her self defense classes and punched the alien on his face and looked down to see it was a real huge distance from the ground, she was ascending .. higher and higher .. she got confused AND .jumped off into the ground & wondered what happened to the cops, but thrilled to be on the ground .. she looked for a safe house .. and wondered wat happend to the alien + horse & then forgot about safe house & and her friends came and hugged and she wondered what friends because she thought they were dead and she realized that all this was JUST a dream. All her friends were surrounding her bed as she woke up screaming. Qudsiyah knows, that her friends would never leave her. It was dawn already AND she was so amaazed by seein all her frends glarin at her and wondered y they were all @ her place & in her room & they picked up pillows and started suffocating her and she knew it couldn't be them, they wouldn't try and do that to their friend ... And