New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
i will also got more tattoos soon
was it painful?
More? Aren't those enough? I hope not a permanent ones. Personally, I don't like tattoos at all!!!
no it was not because they are not permanent
Hmm.. So how did you apply it?
just put it on my skin rub it thoroughly and removing the paper at the endit is done
Lol. I used to get those when I used to buy chewing gums. =P
ohh that means you also have chewing gumsand ya it is like that but it is very much different then that
Something else i did when i was B.O.R.E.D !
like that? or not? how it could be the same and different at the same time?
the type of tattoo's which were with gumsbut this have a bit but very good designs