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The Golden Girl =D:

--- Quote from: MujtabaM on September 22, 2011, 01:45:55 pm ---Awwwwwwwwwwesome  ;D

Epic beoble??  :P

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I knew it I kneeeeeeeeeeeeeew it   =>The fact that you'll comment on it ::) :P

Well turns out it was just a Phase , tried to keep it for a longer time but seems it isn't flexible/stretchable.  ::) :P


--- Quote from: ~The Golden Girl~ on September 22, 2011, 02:41:24 pm ---I knew it I kneeeeeeeeeeeeeew it   =>The fact that you'll comment on it ::) :P

Well turns out it was just a Phase , tried to keep it for a longer time but seems it isn't flexible/stretchable.  ::) :P

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How come??  :o Am I that predictable? No bluffin' puhlease  :P

Interesting bhase  :P

The Golden Girl =D:

--- Quote from: MujtabaM on September 22, 2011, 04:08:58 pm ---How come??  :o Am I that predictable? No bluffin' puhlease  :P

Interesting bhase  :P

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LMAO XD hehe ..Never mind ;)


Locke Lamora:

--- Quote from: ~The Golden Girl~ on September 20, 2011, 02:48:02 pm ---Here is something I did out of boredom :P

Attached =]

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This is completely AWWESOMMEEE!!!

So what are all you guyses and galses up to nowadays?

The first pic there is a digi painting, the second one is a pic from my N95... unedited. ok, nearly unedited, I only increased the contrast a bit..

The Golden Girl =D:

--- Quote from: woteverr... on September 23, 2011, 01:21:54 pm ---This is completely AWWESOMMEEE!!!

So what are all you guyses and galses up to nowadays?

The first pic there is a digi painting, the second one is a pic from my N95... unedited. ok, nearly unedited, I only increased the contrast a bit..

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Now that is COOL ..You're making me LIKE photography even more lol xD [ thing is I suck @ using cameras =,= ] .... cooly MashAllah =]


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