General Chat NEW! The Student Forums Chatroom > Graphics, Visual Effects and Art

Creativity =)

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The Golden Girl =D:
Tanks hun =D

Hopefully I might get in the mood sometime in the future and do some more editting and show y'all my work =D InshAllah =]

The Golden Girl =D:
I was bored so I made this.

Picture  taken from google Here to be more precise and edited by GG =D

It ain't that special but I loved the pic <3


--- Quote from: Sheikh Zayed Al Nahyan on December 08, 2011, 03:35:24 pm ---I was bored so I made this.

Picture  taken from google Here to be more precise and edited by GG =D

It ain't that special but I loved the pic <3

--- End quote ---
You made it more special :D

Looks lovely..!

Please post your stuff in a new thread  :)


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