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Creativity =)
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: MujtabaM on September 19, 2011, 05:03:44 pm ---Post the link... ;)
--- End quote ---
Thanks but my teacher gave us the answers today at school =]
The Golden Girl =D:
Here is something I did out of boredom :P
Attached =]
The Golden Girl =D:
A part of it wasn't scanned =[
upper pic was cool so posted it :P
--- Quote from: ~The Golden Girl~ on September 20, 2011, 02:51:56 pm ---A part of it wasn't scanned =[
upper pic was cool so posted it :P
--- End quote ---
eeettt is cool, maybe, it'll go into this month's magazine. ;D
The Golden Girl =D:
--- Quote from: Amelia on September 20, 2011, 03:36:16 pm ---eeettt is cool, maybe, it'll go into this month's magazine. ;D
--- End quote ---
really :o :o OMG OMG *dances the dance of victory* :P .. That'll definitely be Cool 8) ;D
dance of victory *scratches head and whispers: it's sounds SO familiar o__O* ..... I miss that guy 'AboD ::)' :P
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