New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
1. I kept the tab open on chrome and was chatting, doing other stuff, [multi-tasking], I own a ps3 and an xbox live, own lot of ebooks, nd find more 'psychological joy' in chatting/playing games/learning than replying to skeptic/criticizing/condescending posts 4 an hour2. There are other scenarios of getting accepted off the regular procedures (legally);3. I list my qualifications & aspirations so I could find like minded guys, I don't consider myself accomplished and no boaster calls himself lonely. 4. Some intel organizations are specialized institutions in direct control of the prez (& in collab w/ intl. intel) rather than army generals;so. no, they're not sub-divisions of Indian army5. NIOS is one sitting exam that can be taken as a homeschooled candidate(which is equal to HS leaving certificate); Idk about HSC6. They never did, I volunteered (I think I wrote that b4); Even otherwise, 'VCP newbies' are damn rare in the world and would choose MNCs and banks rather than military cause they pay much higher7. lol. I don't have to behave like Agent Smith everytime & I don't represent my org. during off-duty hours anymore; Gud-day !
heyyyy! You guys are meaaann! he knows what he's talking about. Leave him alone! I'll be your friend diald4doomsday
Is this his magic or an unintentional miracle ?
LOOOOOL.What's that supposed to meaaan?
You have soft corner for him or what ?
Is it not me to have a 'soft spot' for anyone? haha. Nooo- but it's saaad, everyone's being meannn to himm
This is like Boom all over again...
Braaaavv- Boom was different.Yes, he was a liar, but he was LOUD and insanethis kid is 16. Can't do much harm.I believe him though.If you don't- then don't. Why does it matter ayways? -.-
Never mind. You're right. It doesnt matter.
He went faster than he came. Poor crowd.
I'm here