. I never thought about ending up here, Wait I never knew this place existed.

I came here for IGCSE stuff during my final exams. I only used to hang around in the IGCSE thread.

I dont remember exactly everything i did here. I have a bad memory lol. But but I dont forget EVERYTHING

People I will never forget~~
Alpha~~ Exactly- The MOM. Always has the words to comfort you, and a explanation for everything.

God Bless You

Amelia~~ Way to go, still remember when she first came "Princess Amelia"

God Bless You

Amii~~ My BD mate

Always the first one to wish

God Bless You

Ari Ben Canaan~~ You may not know me, but you have helped me lot

God Bless You

Crooked~~ Always laughing and never fails to make someone else laugh

God Bless You

Dibbs~~ What can i say? A really good friend

God Bless You

Dr.Evil~~ Tug of war

Almost always online

And the techy guy

God Bless You

Exam~~ Always thought she was like her d.p. Lonely girl sitting with hands on knees.

God Bless You

Engraved~~ Always busy in work

Liked your blog

God Bless You

Fame~~ Again you may not know me, but i have always liked ur logic.

God Bless You
Fidato~~ The only one xD God Bless You

Golden Girl~~ My Arabic Teacher

haha She is always busy helping others

God Bless You

Gumnam~~ Sports Updater

God Bless You

Iluvme~~ The book lover. How many stories have u read? 1000+ sure

I still remember "I love m, you should too

" God Bless You

Jaweria~~ How many names have you had?

The perv

haha God Bless You

Kim~~ The paki Girl

The Day Dreamer

God Bless You

Kratos~~ The jokes master

God Bless You

Come back someday

Maybeitwastheneighbours~~ OMG, The person with the BIGGEST sense of humour i know to date. Randomness

God Bless You

Mony~~ She was everywhere on this forum. Loved having a convo with her

God Bless You

Come back someday

Nobody~~ Who's this? OMG! Who

God Bless You

Nid~~ Loved her taste of music, and the chats in the music thread

God Bless You

Come back someday

M-H~~ My BD mate

Always lively and obsessed with basketball. And never reveals her name -__-

God Bless You

Stylish Executive~~ My BD mate

Well he is really matured. Oh oh and i loved when he and alpha debated

God Bless You

Vin~~ Was always good chit chatting with him

God Bless You

Zara~~ I love that name

The quiet one

God Bless You

PS. If theres anyone i missed, i am extremely sorry

Not on purpose