ohkie i just read this thread now ! n is the most amazing thread !

ohkie now where to start from hmm !
i joined here in end of march n from april i was all active !
i cant forget all the fun we had in the indians here thread !(my first thread other than my intro thread

n i remember how shocked i was initially when i looked at mony's n drevil's no of posts !
aol nobody vin nid were my initial frnds ! u guys were more than amazing !

aol : it was cuz of ya v all exchanged nos.
nobo : i still remember that long night chat in the sf chatroom
vin : haha the highest no of post competition v had
nid : i cldnt thank u enough 4 listening to ma probs.

dibss, jaw, gg ! u'll were fun talking to !

jaw my insomniac mate

mony alpha kratos (the crying gurl

) ya'll were fun talking to !

not to forget the shopping chat me n lana had : wish she'd been a bit more active
its was nicee knowing kim n hope !

the guessing the real name thread used to be fun

gg was an amazing teacher

requiem : helped loads with the notes ! n the hatred towards cie ppl was funny
n then there was winner who just predicted topics 4 papers just too accurately

mk n Fidato : initially i was always confused abt what their post used to mean
then v had r dukaan that was the best fast food joint ever

although i never really had a talk with roxy but her posts were the coolest 1z

p12 used 2 be the most active 1 in rhyme chyme thread
n esha n drevil were 4ever stuck on tug of war thread

n maybeit was the most hyper sf-ian

then i went on a big break

came back to see a whole new sf
amii , ame, saud, dk were all over

then halloween fest was fantastic

Thanks to cleo hamlet mlk ambani -- u guys were awesome candidates
thats all i can remember 4 now

N i Thanks all others who i have missed out 4 making this site what it is today