I'm an International student currently enrolled in a BA(Hons) Business Studies top-up program at the University of Greenwich, I believe that I'm a capable student and I'm hoping to graduate with Frist Class Honours. (UoG was the only uni offering such program in my country and I couldnt afford to do it on campus in the uk, and its better than any other private uni here ) What I would like to know is whether or not I have a shot at getting into a good Msc program in the future at one of the more higher ranking Universities (Warwick, Exeter, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool etc.) I'm really worried about my mode of study(distance) and the University of Greenwich's reputation, that's partly why I'm planning to do a Msc as soon as I graduate (2011) . I'm very eager to know how much my Bachelours degree's awarding body and the mode of study of can affect my applications to Msc programs. On most university websites they require a 1st or 2:1 degree from a "good" or "reputable" university, is Greenwich any of the two ? Any serious thoughts about Greenwich's Business Program would also be appreciated. Awaiting your kind replies. Any suggestions welcome ...Thanks