The level of water will rise.
But we may not note this rise due to the large surface area covered by the pond, even if the pond is very small.
The volume displaced by the anchor upon sinking may be negligible compared to the total volume of water in the pond.
wait a sec.
First the anchor is on the boat. It exerts a downward force on the boat, forcing the boat down, so displacing alot of water.
When the anchor is released, less of the ship is in the water therefore less water diplacement. The volume diplaced by the anchor is small.
The higher the water displacement, the higher the water level.
Since water displacement decreased the water level should also decrease.
Imagine yourself in a bathtub. Imagine that the anchor is on you, you will go deeper into the water, the water will rise. when the anchor is released, less of you will be in the water, so the water level will decrease.