Author Topic: AS & A2 subject  (Read 6987 times)

Offline Aadeez || Zafar

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AS & A2 subject
« on: September 15, 2010, 06:29:26 pm »
are 7 subbject much difficult for a level?

Yeh BaaabuRaao ka style hein!

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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2010, 06:46:33 pm »
Depends on the skills yuh've got. Plus, 7 subjects are of no use. The unis require atleast 3 A levels. What yuh need is A+/A's in those subjects.

In my opinion, 7 subjects would be really difficult and will take up around 15 hours of yer everyday? :D

What subjects are yuh opting fer?
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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2010, 07:27:55 pm »
7 subjects.................... :o :o :o :o

Dude what are you?? :P...just joking :D

Never seen a person with seven subject in A level.

As crooked said 7 subjects are of no use and you need to get A+/A's in those subjects.By the way what is your future plan,i mean if you want a careers in science like medical or engineering etc than 4 or 5 subject is most 6 subject.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 07:30:24 pm by asiftasfiq93 »

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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2010, 07:39:31 pm »
Well, that depends on how much time you have at your hands and how hardworking and intelligent you are--also, how important it is to study those subjects. Because there are people who have the capacity to gain straight A's in 7 subjects while there are people who can't even gain an A in a single subject, in the same sitting. I myself have 5 subjects and to be honest, it's not as hard as it sounds. If you put yourself to it and set it as a priority (for me, studies are often my second or third priority) in everything you do, you can actually do well.

For a more in-depth analysis, you should answer the following questions:
1) What were your subjects and grades, respectively, in your IGCSE/O-Levels?
2) Which subjects are you planning to take up in your A-Levels?
3) When are you appearing? Will you appear in AS and A2 separately or would it be a full A2 exam?

Hope it helped. :D
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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2010, 07:45:40 pm »
Yer an exception, missy. ::) Boys have to play soccer as well. ::) :P :P
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Offline Chingoo

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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2010, 07:50:23 pm »
Yer an exception, missy. ::) Boys have to play soccer as well. ::) :P :P

I kinda covered that point in the priority thing. ::) Girls have to sit in MUNs, edit school magazines and look pretty, 'sirree'. :P
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Offline Aadeez || Zafar

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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2010, 02:28:43 pm »
Environmental management

Yeh BaaabuRaao ka style hein!


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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2010, 02:38:10 pm »
Realise one thing. This isnt your IGCSEs anymore where you can have 8 maybe 10 subjects.

A Levels are not a walk in the park and sincerely doubt you'll be able to hack it and get 7 A/A*s in all of those subjects.

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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #8 on: September 16, 2010, 02:56:54 pm »
Environmental management

 :-\ You didn't answer all my questions. What were your subjects in your IGCSEs/O-Levels and what did you score? Also, when and how would you be appearing in your AS and A2 exams i.e. which year and which session would you appear in which subject, would it be a staged assessment (AS and A2 separately) or combined.

Off the top of my head, your subject combination is in general, very difficult. Sciences are the hardest subjects in A-Level, and you have topped them off with Mathematics, another hard subject. I don't know a lot about Computing but I doubt it's very easy. Environmental Management, on the contrary, is a half-credit qualification and is easy to score an A in. English is also very tough, and I know pupils who have scored A's ( modern day A*'s) in all their Science subjects and Math, but with terrible grades in English.

So strictly speaking: your subject combination is probably very hard to maneuver and you're likely to not obtain 7 A's/A*'s in them; of course, like I said before, every student has his own potential and depending on his situation, he may prove successful in something another is unsuccessful in. So, if you could share with us your IGCSE results and plans for how you would appear in your A-Levels, I could respond to this more effectively. :D
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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2010, 03:01:25 pm »
Plus if you mess up in a subject then it will still appear on your report card.

If I were a Uni I'd only accept students with 4 As in 4 A Level subjects rather than students with avg grades in 7 subjects.


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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2010, 05:08:33 pm »
You will only receive Hypothetical Answers for these type of Questions.

These guys for all i see know Nothing So Shooo and decide on your own


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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2010, 05:09:49 pm »
You will only receive Hypothetical Answers for these type of Questions.

These guys for all i see know Nothing So Shooo and decide on your own

I couldnt agree more.

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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2010, 07:15:54 pm »
WOW that's  A LOT u srsly shld  think abt this ;) ........and then eventually decide on which subs u'll be taking According to the Major u'll be takin in college

Plus u do NOT need 7 A levels what u  need is the AMAZING grades ;)

Good Luck ;)
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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2010, 04:27:37 pm »
Environmental management

A-Levels is a very crucial stage in one's life. Your career depends on it. So, I would suggest you to think a little before opting for such a combination of subjects. Focus yourself on what you plan to do in future.

Secondly, these 7 subjects aren't that difficult to handle IF you manage your time correctly. Otherwise you will just be wasting your time, energy and money. Some of my friends have taken even 10 subjects in A-Levels but they are the ones who really are 'book worms'. So think hard before selecting these subjects.

Try to do introspection for some while and you will know what you are capable of. 

Good Luck.

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Re: AS & A2 subject
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2010, 04:35:52 pm »
Some good advices you got there. ;)

Here's mine- DO NOT do that. However smart you are do not attempt it - dude you have a life. :P Drop out computer, english and EMS. Do maths and science. Only subjects that will help you in the long run.

But yeah like Dr Evil said, if you're one of those book worms then you shouldn't have a problem. Consult your school principle or counsellor.