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Biology Guide for May/June 2011

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Hi Guys , I am going to make this biology  guide for the exam in the summer. This is going to take ages and i will need your help . Im going to right my conclusions as i go through curriculum every time i study biology. I do this because it helps me get the information thoroughly in my mind because repetition is the only way to master things and also for people who find difficulties in their Biology books :P.

Anyway i wish everyone goodluck in the exams and please keep criticising the work written because i keep forgetting stuff. Thanks

The 5 'KINGDOMS' we classify all living organisms are 1.Animals 2. Plants 3. Prokaryotes  4. Protoctista 5. Fungi
Prokaryotes:unicellular organisms that lack nucleus i.e BACTERIA/Protoctista:Unicellular organisms that have nucleus i.e   Amoeba.Algae
       Remember that viruses dont fit in any kingdom as they dont show any characteristics of life except reproduction.
       To classify we follow this sequence , in this example im using a Lion ( Panthera Leo ) as classification =              
Kingdom(animalia)-->Phylum(Chordata)-->Class(Mammalia)-->Order(Carnivora)-->Family(Felidae)-->Genus(Panthera)-->Species(Panthera Leo)
 Note :      (As we go this way --> The similarities between animals increase and differences decrease. )

 Binomial system of classification : System which the scientific name of an organism is made of 2 parts showing genus and species ( Panther Leo )

  We have to know the characteristics of the following : Kingdom:Animals, Phylum:Vertebrates/chordates.
Class :      Fish - Stream lined shaped.They breathe through gills.Fins for locomotion.Later line detects vibration in water.Damp                                 overlapping scales.Lay Jelly-Like shell-less eggs.
               :Amphibians-Visible ear drums.Damp Moist skin (no scales).Lay shell-less eggs.The young breathe by gills
               :Reptiles-Dry scales on body.Sunken ear drums.Lay leathery shelled eggs
               :Birds-Body covered by feathers.Have beak or bill.Have scales on legs.Lay Hard shelled eggs.
               :Mammals-Have fur/hair/whiskers.Have different types of teeth.Have external ears ( pinnae ).Mammary glands.Give                                     birth to live young.Feed their young on milk.
               We have to know the classification of monocotyledons and dicotyledon
                                    A cotyledon are also called SEED LEAVES.They act as a food store for the seed.
             : Monocots- 1 Cotyledon, scatterd vascular bundles,Flowers in 3s, unbranched stem , Leaves are narrow with smooth edge and have parallel veins , fibrous roots,
Examples : Grass , maize , wheat.
                : Dicotyledon : 2 cotyledon,vascular bundles for a ring , Flowers in 5s, Branched stems, broad leaves with pointed ends and have branched veins,have tap roots,
Examples : potato , Rose , radnelion , Oak tree
 Click here to see an image of both http://www.google.com.kw/imgres?imgurl=http://image.wistatutor.com/content/diversity-living-organisms/dicot-brassica-campestris-monocot-zea-mays-type-of-angiospermae.jpeg&imgrefurl=http://www.tutorvista.com/topic/example-of-monocot-seed&usg=__lGwUQJDYS2qxHYwCjYQ81s_5slM=&h=331&w=461&sz=31&hl=en&start=24&zoom=1&tbnid=vqCcSPMOCOHYBM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=166&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmonocotyledon%2Bvs%2Bdicotyledon%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26biw%3D1242%26bih%3D726%26tbs%3Disch:10,327&um=1&itbs=1&iact=rc&dur=506&ei=g3qdTJSdC4KUjAfB87XADQ&oei=d3qdTK7LB8TTjAfP_5SBDQ&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:24&tx=73&Thank You=41&biw=1242&bih=726<--here
 We have to know the characteristics of 1.Bacteria 2.Fungi 3. Virus
 Bacteria:Unicellular.Seen by powerful light microscope.Many have slime capsule and flagellum.Have 'Bacterial' cell wall(made of protein,sugar,fat).Have cell membrane,cytoplasm but no organelles.Have singular circular 'Bacterial' Chromosome.Examples: Spirals(spirilli),Spherical(cocci),Rods(Bacilli)
                    Fungi:Multicellular,Macroscopic,Multinucleate.Made of microscopic basic units called Hyphae rather than the cell.Hyphae join together to form a mycelium.They have septa instead of cell walls.Cell wall is made of chitin.They have cell membrane,cytoplasm,organelles and vacuoles.Examples : Mushroom ,yeast , mould fungi.
                                                             Virus:Acellular.Can be seen by an electron microscope.Form crystalline structure outside of host cell.Have a protein coat called capsid made up of small units called capsomeres.No nucleus,cytoplasm,membrane or organelles.Have a central core of nucleic acid-either DNA/RNA.Examples: HIV,common cold,Measles
   We have to know the classification of Phylum ( Arthropods* ), ( Molluscs ) ( Annelids ) ( Nematodes)
         Arthropods have  Classes : Insects, Arachnids , Molluscs , Crustacians , Myriapods
                : Insects -Body divided into 3 parts:Head, thorax , abdomen- 1 Pair of compound eyes, 1 pair of antennae, 1or2 Pair of wings, 3 pairs of legs.
                 : Arachnids-Body divided into 2 parts:Head and Cephalothorax( thorax + abdomen )-4 Pairs of simple eyes, No antennae,4 pairs of jointed legs, Spinavette.
                 : Myriapods ( Centipedes and Millipedes ): Both have well defined head , 1 pair of simple eyes and 1 pair of antennae
                 :Centipedes :Flattened body ,  are carnivore and  have 1 pair of legs per segments
                 :  Millipedes : Cylindrical body , are herbivores and have 2 pair of legs per segment
                 : Crustaceans:Body into 2 parts: Head and cephalothorax, 1 pair of compunds eyes, 2 pairs of antennae, 5 or more pairs of legs, carapace ( outer covering ) made of CaC03
                  Annelids: Cylindrical ring-like segmented body and have 2 pair of chaetae or bristle(to help them move)per
segment,Have protein cuticle. Ex. Earthworm, leeches, RINGWORMS
                  Nematodes: No segmets, No chaetae, they are long thin cyllyndrical animals that are pointed on both ends and they are endoparasites.Have protein cuticle. Ex. Round worms , the ones that live in your stomach and the doctor would have to stick something up your bottom and try to pull it out ! beautfil scene!
                 Molluscs:Body divided into 3:Head,Hump, Muscular foot.Soft and unsegmented bodies.Snails have shell covering the hump.Snails also have radula(rough tongue to scrape food off plants). Octopuses have shell inside body. Some have gills
Define the terms:  (MRS GREN <--Mnemonic ) These definitions are from the curriculum content itself.
 • Nutrition as taking in of nutrients which are organic substances and mineral ions, containing raw materials or energy for growth and tissue repair, absorbing and assimilating them
 • Excretion as removal from organisms of toxic materials, the waste products of metabolism (chemical reactions in cells including respiration) and substances in excess of requirements
 • Respiration as the chemical reactions that break down nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy
 • Sensitivity as the ability to detect or sense changes in the environment (stimuli) and to make responses
 • Reproduction as the processes that make more of the same kind of organism
 • Growth as a permanent increase in size and dry mass by an increase in cell number or cell size or both
 • Movement as an action by an organism or part of an organism causing a change of position or place

which is this
State that living organisms are made of cells
• Identify and describe the structure of a plant cell
(palisade cell) and an animal cell (liver cell), as
seen under a light microscope
• Describe the differences in structure between
typical animal and plant cells
Relate the structures seen under the light
microscope in the plant cell and in the animal
cell to their functions

+rep for all the hard work ;)

thanks a lot dude.........very kind of ya :)

•Binomial system of nomenclature (Linnaean system)

The scientific name of an organism is made up of two parts - Genus name and the species name.

Homo sapiens

Only the first word is capitalised.
Written in italics
First word - genus name (Homo)
Second part - Species name (sapiens)

•Simple keys - use simple dichotomous keys based on easily identifiable features.

Lock and Key method:

Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts.

[Right-click > View image]

1.The molecule of substance (substrate) fits the enzyme perfectly at the active site.
2.The enzyme then 'bends' and deforms the substrate.
3. The substrates are then released in the form of products (simpler molecules)

[This is a catabolic reaction]

(Omit stage 1)

1.The substrates fits the corresponding enzyme perfectly.
2. Then the enzyme 'bends' and binds the substrates into one whole substance.

[This is an anabolic reaction]

Cell - is defined as the structural and functional unit of life.

•Animal Cell.

Shows the liver cells in humans. It is important to know all the parts of the cells and their corresponding functions.

Cytoplasm - thick liquid part of the cell which accommodates different structures known as organelles - ribosomes (build up cell's proteins), mitochodria (main source of energy of the cell- mainly by respiration).

Cell membrane - semi-permeable layer around the cytoplasm which cleaves the whole cell. First layer for the animal cell. Allows only specific substances to enter into the cell (Oxygen, water, food) and waste products are allowed to leave.
Nucleus - as called the 'brain' of the cell, is usually seen as a rounded structure enclosed in a membrane and embedded in the cytoplasm. Function is to control the metabolic processes of the cell.

•Plant Cell

Shows a palisade cell of a plant.

Cell Wall - Outermost layer of a plant cell. Fully permeable- allows all substances to enter. It is made of cellulose.

Cell membrane - Like animal cells, plant cells also have cell membrane.

Vacuole - these are large fluid-filled space containing a variety of sugars, salts, pigments and waste products.

Chloroplast - Contains the green pigment called chlorophyll which plays a key role in photosynthesis. Are present in large numbers and are mobile.

Foot Note:: The plant cell contain many organelles called plastids which are not present in animal cells. If these contain chlorophyll they are called chloroplasts. Other plastids contain starch, used as a food store.

Key differences between Plant and Animal Cells.

Plant Cell  
Animal Cell

1. Outermost layer - cell wall|1.Outermost layer - cell membrane (do not have cell wall)
|2.More, larger vacuoles |2. Less and smaller or no vacuoles
|3.Contain plastids |3. Do not contain plastids
|4. Rectangular (fixed shape) |4. Irregular shape
|5. Centrioles present in all animal cells |5. Centrioles -Only present in lower plant forms.

Also check this

• Relate the structure of the following to their functions:
• ciliated cells – in respiratory tract
• root hair cells – absorption
• xylem vessels – conduction and support
• muscle cells – contraction
• red blood cells – transport
      :Ciliated cells-Most commonly found in the respiratory system.Consist of hundreds of Ciliated cells(have millions of tiny hairs) and Goblet cellsThe cilia beats in unison in the same direction sweeping the mucus formed by the goblet cells(which traps dust and bacteria from trachea and bronchi) to the back of your throat where the mucus is swallowed or spat, this way your lungs can be clean and free from infection.
      :Root hair cells-Thin cell wall(fully permeable) which allows easy absorption,Cell membrane partially permeable to allow water in by osmosis but does not let mineral ions out(they come in by active transport),large projection increases surface area which speeds up rate at which water and mineral ions can move into cell,also have pointed tip to penetrate soil particels so be more exposed to more water and ions in solution as well as anchoring the plant to the soil
      :Xylem vessels-Basically a dead cell, no nucleas or cytoplasm or anything(to give more space to carry water) except their walls are surrounded by a very strong substance knows as LIGININ which helps support the plant and provide rigidity.Another function of xylem vessel is to transport water from roots, up the stem and into the leaves and flowers.
      :Muscle cells-Each cell has many nuclei rather than just 1.They look stripy as they are made up of many strands of protein which can slide between each other making cell much shorter so when they are grouped together as muscle fibres they can move your bones.
      :Red blood cells-Extremely small so that they could squish through capillaries,have bioconcave disc shape which gives the cell a large surface area.Also have a spongy cytoplasm so can squish through capillaries,have cell membrane and cytoplasm but no nucleus to pack in more haemoglobin also flexible 


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