Author Topic: Help: IG vs IB question  (Read 2308 times)

Offline Baladya

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Help: IG vs IB question
« on: September 05, 2010, 01:41:46 pm »
Hey guys :) Long time no c :) I am sorry i haven't been active for the last 2 months but i was in Egypt and i neither had a pc nor internet there, so i couldn't even go on my email :P

I have this question that i want to take your opinion in it. My school made me take 8 O.L's last year (I had to... and English Literature was supplementary). So I scored 3 A*, 4 A, and 1 B which is the Literature. I scored A* in Math, Physics and Chem. Anyway, so the school's system is that we take IB after O.L (i know completely stupid). But when i think about it, Why don't i just take 2 more A.L's for the next two years and replace my Literature with maybe Economics to get a better grade. So i searched all the school in Bahrain (where i live) and there were only like 4 schools 3 of them were sh*t. Only one is good but there is a problem.

The school makes u take 3 subjects, and since i want Engineering they make you take Physics, Math, and a third subject (IT or Chem). Ofc the three are A.L's. I only need 2 A.L's cuz the university i m going to only needs two not 3. And m gonna replace the Literature with another O.L (probably Economics). The school also makes it supplementry that u take English Literature as A.L. ( I dont know whats wrong with the schools here xD) but my friend told me (he is in that school) that he will not even go to the exam and when we asked the school that we dont want it they said dont go to the exam.

This means i will be studying 4 subjects (3 A.L and 1 O.L). If i continue in IB, i will take 6 subjcets plus the 3000 words essay, and hours of social work. Also the IB school isn't that safe (not safe as in teachers and quality).

If i go to the university m aiming for with IB, I dont have to get super grades to enter since a few schools give IB in Egypt. But if i choose IG, i will have to go with A* in the A.L (also remember that the school only wants 2 A.L so i will choose the two with the better grades) and the 3 A* and 4 A in O.L is fine although ofc i need to make my B better (which i will change as i said with an easy subject).

I hope you understood what m sayin (m sure u didnt xD) but if you did, plz put urself in my shoes and tell me what to choose?? I have to decide today :S

Thank you :)

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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2010, 01:51:25 pm »
Let me get this straight, you want to re-do IGCSE for one subject (Economics) and at the same time do 2 A Level subjects ?

Offline Baladya

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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2010, 01:54:52 pm »
thats what i want... I can stay at home and do this with the British Council or something... But many people said dont do that cuz u will get bored as hell and then not study... so i have to go to a school and the only school which i  can go to makes me take 3 A.L's plus the economics O.L(which i want)
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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2010, 02:00:25 pm »
Okay first thing, I did IGCSE Economics and it was a very labour intensive course.

You have to work REALLY hard to study for the entire syllabus and you have to do a whole load of past papers.

Also, to study at the British Council you need to give them a No Objection letter from your school which they may not decide to give you.

Studying for 2 A Levels AND doing Economics means work, work, work and you guessed it..... more WORK.

I'm not scaring you, but if you aren't the guy who is willing to study 24/7 then this option isnt the best.

. Take three A Levels (you got amazing grades in the sciences) and study your butt off for them.

Get good grades in those subjects and you'll get into your Uni easily since they'll see you as a really hardworking guy since you took more than the number of A LEvels they need.

What field do you aim to continue a career in ?

Offline Baladya

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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2010, 02:23:17 pm »
O lol. I didnt know that Economics is hard :P Anyway the point is that i will take an easy O.L to get an A* in it cuz i dont want to go to the uni with a B (i want engineering). So what do u think about 3 A.L's with an easy O.L. Cuz if it is gonna be as hard as taking IB (which is lots and lots of studying) then I guess its better to go with IB... or what  ??? :S Maybe even if its as hard as IB, but i will concentrate on less subjects (in IG) ???
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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2010, 02:26:47 pm »
IB demands you take 2 languages and a bunch of other subjects from Humanities etc. Stuff you wouldnt be interested in as an Engineer.

Do your 3 A Levels in what ever sciences/maths you need for your uni course and if you REALLY want to then do Business St.

Its a pretty okay subject; lots to memorise but not too intensive. And you can do it by yourself with no problems.

Honestly, I dont see why you want to re-do an IGCSE since most Unis dont really consider your IGCSEs.

Its the A Levels they're interested in.

Offline Baladya

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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2010, 02:39:10 pm »
Thank you man. Really thanks :) I think i will go for IG :)
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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2010, 02:42:08 pm »
Thank you man. Really thanks :) I think i will go for IG :)

No problem, anytime ;)

If you choose to do Business St. for your IGs just remember to be really familiar with the MS and examiners reports.

You wont get marks if you dont apply your answers to the situation - you'll eventually see what I mean.

A good site for revision ;)

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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2010, 02:48:36 pm »
Wow, that took reading more than once to understand. :P

Firstly: IB is pretty tough in contrast with the A-Level system, and though their pros and cons seem to level out at a point, it is pretty much agreed that IB is painful. Also, it makes you study useless subjects which would have little or no influence in your career as an engineer. Not a bad option if you're really hardworking though since there is apparently a provision for IB students in your area.

Secondly: Economics is not an easy getaway. It is a technical subject, perhaps not the worst around but it inherits the bloodthirsty potential. If you opened up your options a bit, you could check out a couple others, being Business Studies (as referred by Ari) or Statistics. Whichever exam you study for, it won't be too hard and you could appear in the exam maybe within a year because they aren't very tricky, especially if you study A-Level Math.

Thirdly: Don't make that two A-Levels because the university you plan to go to just requires two. Two A-Levels are quite little, especially since you're up against in competition with IB student with six subjects. Plus, like Ari said, impress them with an extra A-Level rather than with an extra O-Level, because both are no way equitable.
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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #9 on: September 05, 2010, 02:50:45 pm »
Wow, that took reading more than once to understand. :P

Welcome to the club !! :P

Offline Baladya

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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #10 on: September 06, 2010, 01:27:35 pm »
Thx guys :) I have a friend who said that he went to the uni with 3 and they gave him a 30% discount :D and another went with 4 and they gave him a complete scholarship (free) :D

I just finished all the stuff with the A.L school and joined :)

Thx for telling me that Economics is hard. Okay which is better: Business studies or Accounting?
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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #11 on: September 06, 2010, 01:34:20 pm »
Accounting is EXTREMELY useful for later life - especially of you decide to become an entrepreneur.

The concepts are easy and its just a bunch of memorising how to draw account tables.

BUT it is NOT something you can do FULLY by your self. Unless a relative is an accountant I HIGHLY recommend getting a tutor.

Business St. is useless - honestly. Its a little bit of all the other commerce subjects but has NO value.

Memorise a whole load of stuff and write it all down in a LOOOONG exam.

Not hard at all but there's nothing to be gained from it. No tutor required AT ALL. 

I strongly suggest accounting.

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Re: Help: IG vs IB question
« Reply #12 on: September 06, 2010, 06:23:27 pm »
I swear..........Business Studies is so useless. you can pick such things up better on-the-job...I shud have taken CS instead....but its too late