New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
We have shortage of petroleum products here. -_- I would'nt be foolish enough to do that. It's got a red nose, black face and blue scarf. O_O
You still didn't get what it is. Nvm
Why the heck would I want to get you banned. That was out of curiosity.The picture shows you?
I was talking of the pic, not the ban Kong. Cleopatra isn't good, blue and black isn't either. Opem.
I saw a monkey posing for a while.. Ah, the eyes are back. Now this is good. and Scary
Where is your DP?By the way, we're getting off-topic.
People would freak out if this name had a dp. Abortion No worries. After all I am not the one who's going to do the cleaning.
Worry, because exactly, you are not the one who will clean.
Cleaning ?
Right and duty go hand on hand mam.
Who knows that better?No one understood that.I'm complicated, lol.Anyway, back to topic.
What cleaning ? Someone explain !
Doesn't cleaning ring a bell in the head? Mod?