New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
I know. I soo need to be dude. -__-DrEvil and others, I'm not messing with her anymore. What if next day she turns up with a knife at my doorstep!?! :@OK let's predict what is she doing then .. I say she's doing A - levels. probably AS.
DrEvil and others, I'm not messing with her anymore. What if next day she turns up with a knife at my doorstep!?! :@
A Levels You sensible people
awesomewhich subjects??u know u cud go into a little more detail
aww dont feel baddude how would she know where you lived???
Psychic gal! I bet she'll do that. But she's nice. She replied to my pm. Audrey.. AHA!
awesomeu have turned into a psychic as well
Hahahaha Vin backs off, Evil's scared; Gummy time to work your (non-existent) charm. JK JK, don't take me seriously Audrey Anyhoo, hope to see you posting around later (:I'm off.
I guess somethings wrong with the city. Even Ahana acts psychic sometimes! :@
maybe there was some chemical leakage in India which leads to ppl getting psychic abilities*gasp*
Psychology , Sociology , Business Studies , && English Vin you're more stalker-y than psychic