Author Topic: Legalise Drugs  (Read 6718 times)

Offline unknown 101

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2010, 05:42:46 am »
noo stop steppin on it!!! it hurts my feelings!  :'( ::) aahahahahahaah :P


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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2010, 05:47:19 am »
hahahahahah ohhh crap!!! i got exposed!!!!! nowi gotta runnn!!! and hide before the cops come after mme!!! ahahahahha :P :P

Do you feel transcendental happiness?  ::)

Offline unknown 101

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2010, 05:53:31 am »
Do you feel transcendental happiness?  ::)

YESSSS!!!!! i mean nooo!! i cant hide my happiness! crap!!! hahahahah :P :P


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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2010, 06:26:18 am »
YESSSS!!!!! i mean nooo!! i cant hide my happiness! crap!!! hahahahah :P :P

uff...drugs  ::)


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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2010, 06:44:47 am »
What many of you DONT realise is that the stigma behind drugs as being portrayed as BAD things exists elsewhere.

For example, alcohol and cigarettes kill millions each year. Yet, SOME people choose to do these things and A LOT dont.

By restricting drugs we are encouraging Cartels to expand into the market and thereby set up a profit maximising business - in which case human lives are at risk.

But if drugs were legalised we would see an outward shift of the supply curve for drugs and  a MASSIVE fall in prices.

There are 7 or so cartels at war in Mexico, drugs are their main business.

Low Priced drugs = less sales (because easily available) = low profits = fall of cartels.

The fall of the cartels means less violence in Mexico and the USA where drugs (and violence) are exported to most of the time.

Offline Saladin

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2010, 12:20:31 pm »
How to many stupidity is of equivalent value to felicity.

I do not even think this is a question.

And people have already the first step towards this. Alcohol is a drug.

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2010, 12:30:20 pm »
What many of you DONT realise is that the stigma behind drugs as being portrayed as BAD things exists elsewhere.

For example, alcohol and cigarettes kill millions each year. Yet, SOME people choose to do these things and A LOT dont.

By restricting drugs we are encouraging Cartels to expand into the market and thereby set up a profit maximising business - in which case human lives are at risk.

But if drugs were legalised we would see an outward shift of the supply curve for drugs and  a MASSIVE fall in prices.

There are 7 or so cartels at war in Mexico, drugs are their main business.

Low Priced drugs = less sales (because easily available) = low profits = fall of cartels.

The fall of the cartels means less violence in Mexico and the USA where drugs (and violence) are exported to most of the time.

Yes. But you must take into account the addiction factor too. If it were not for the addiction, I would be for legalising drugs.

Not to mention almost ALL drugs are damaging for health.


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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2010, 12:31:26 pm »
By restricting drugs we are encouraging Cartels to expand into the market and thereby set up a profit maximising business - in which case human lives are at risk.

Restricting here implies outlawing them?

Profit-maximising and a cartel-- that's going to restrict supply to those people who are most addicted and cannot afford to pay for the drugs. A profit-maximiser will not sensibly sell an addictive (inelastic dd) good that was previously forbidden by the law, given it has an upper hand on the market being a cartel.

But if drugs were legalised we would see an outward shift of the supply curve for drugs and  a MASSIVE fall in prices.

And an OUTRAGEOUS increase in the death rate.
Criminality sure will increase. But supply? Remember, it's a cartel.

There are 7 or so cartels at war in Mexico, drugs are their main business.

We also need to know the main cause of violence.

Low Priced drugs = less sales (because easily available) = low profits = fall of cartels.

The fall of the cartels means less violence in Mexico and the USA where drugs (and violence) are exported to most of the time.

Conclusion reached...  ::)

Offline Blizz_rb93

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2010, 12:51:02 pm »
Weed shouldn't be legalized, unknown have you tried weed so u can say how it feels? if u did and u control yourself, not everyone can control themselves, the president of mexico is a dumba** if he wants to even think about legalizing drugs, what got up to the presidency was the corruption of mexico.
if he wants to stop them, he gets troops or ask for aid from another country like USA to cleanse out atleast a good enough amount of gangs and bad stuff to get the country back on stability


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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2010, 02:03:57 pm »
Weed shouldn't be legalized, unknown have you tried weed so u can say how it feels? if u did and u control yourself, not everyone can control themselves, the president of mexico is a dumba** if he wants to even think about legalizing drugs, what got up to the presidency was the corruption of mexico.
if he wants to stop them, he gets troops or ask for aid from another country like USA to cleanse out atleast a good enough amount of gangs and bad stuff to get the country back on stability

None of you, especially you, realise the enormity and complexity of this situation.

Since the 60's America in collaboration with Mexico has had a Drug Task Force, but you know what every year millions of tonnes of crack find their way on to the streets.

Agreed that certain drugs have bad effects on people's thinking and behaviour, but isnt the same as with Alcohol or smoking ?

It isnt as easy as simply arresting the head of the cartel because that usually causes the cartel to split off into 3 more separate groups.

Its like the Hydra, cut off one head and 3 more grow back.

People are dying because of this gang warfare where Cartels are trying to gain more territory - its been going on for decades but only now has been publicised. 


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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2010, 02:08:35 pm »
Conclusion reached...   ::)

So you agree with me ?

We also need to know the main cause of violence.

They (cartels) want more territory.

And an OUTRAGEOUS increase in the death rate.
Criminality sure will increase. But supply? Remember, it's a cartel.

Alcoholics cause a lot of crime - how do drugs (and their effects) differ from that of alcohol ?

Sweden (might be another Northern Euro country) has opened up free clinics that offer people free shots of crack so as to ensure that they use clean needles.

The money Cartels gain from drug sales helps pay for prostitutes, brothels, guns, illegal trafficking of people from other countries etc.

By cutting of their income supply we will cause their fall.

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2010, 03:28:03 pm »
Weed shouldn't be legalized, unknown have you tried weed so u can say how it feels? if u did and u control yourself, not everyone can control themselves,

hhahahahaha chilll man!  i just posted any bullshit cause someone asked me too!!! hahahahahahaaha

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2010, 03:32:46 pm »
its either that all the countries are right for banning drugs or amsterdam is the right one by not banning them!! its me ( amsterdam ) against the world ( all the other countries ) !!! hahahahahhahahah :P


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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #28 on: August 26, 2010, 03:34:00 pm »
its either that all the countries are right for banning drugs or amsterdam is the right one by not banning them!! its me ( amsterdam ) against the world ( all the other countries ) !!! hahahahahhahahah :P

You are way too happy  ::) Much under the influence only must know what  ::) :P

Offline Blizz_rb93

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Re: Legalise Drugs
« Reply #29 on: August 26, 2010, 03:36:01 pm »
lol idc about mexico either way, im jus givin my opinion on that matter
either way USA ftw