LOL Spy, go fly dude.
I checked your profile once after you added me in my fake account and KHALAS I never checked it again.
Do you think that Roxy and I really care about guys to an extent that we stalk them? LOL No way.
And to prove you wrong, I will be the one blocking you so that you see how much I never even consider looking at your profile. Sheesh on you guys, you think that the girl is dying for you while in fact NOTHING is there. You just like creating your OWN story.
I don't care about guys that I have like only 3-2 in my MSN whom I prefer and I blocked all the others so don't think too much about yourself.
Gosh. Sorry for being mean, but this is how I am so don't think I am checking your profile every 5 mins or something dude. Makes me angry and sick.
shoushouuuu gooooooood luckkkkkkk, i know you'll do greatttt
Thank You for that. How did you do in your paper?
How about you roxy? How was everything for you?