Author Topic: All Arabs HERE!!  (Read 96742 times)

Offline $tyli$h Executive

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #600 on: April 20, 2011, 11:35:41 am »
Hi to all the Arabs here! :D

I want to know Arab people's opinion about the protests going on in various countries for overthrowing their Syria, Egypt, Libya, Yemen etc. So, what's your take in this as an Arab yourself?

Offline NotAbod

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #601 on: April 20, 2011, 11:39:58 am »
well, i am egyptian, and i dont like it, at all :/
its not the way to say ur opinion

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #602 on: April 20, 2011, 11:44:02 am »
well, i am egyptian, and i dont like it, at all :/
its not the way to say ur opinion

Exactly my opinion. People are ruining their economies and businesses by pursuing the objective of overthrowing their governments. :-\

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #603 on: April 20, 2011, 12:07:36 pm »
Created a debate topic. ;D

Offline maybeitwastheneighbors

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #604 on: April 20, 2011, 12:29:36 pm »
well i think it was about time.
i do believe 30 years of presidency and then nearly as long a state of emergency is enough.
many people suffered under husni mubarak's rule.
gaddafi....gaddafi is... grrrrr i don't wanna talk about him
in syria, the political freedom and freedom of speech and opinion is nearly nil.
and alot of people dont have enough to eat, because of their economy.
doki doki hatter

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #605 on: April 20, 2011, 12:38:27 pm »
^ ur just talking about the negative side, thats ppl
forget the good and remember the bad
husni is a hero war, serving the country from the age of 20, till the age of 50, and then 30 years of presidency
which means 60 years. a man how spent his life in serving his country, and now ur saying suffering from husni's rule
wat do u know about husni? suffering from his rule? how did u suffer from his rule? just calm down
and gaddafi isnt a president, he already said that, he is a leader, the libyan economy is one of the highest in the middle east.

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #606 on: April 20, 2011, 12:54:55 pm »
well i think it was about time.
i do believe 30 years of presidency and then nearly as long a state of emergency is enough.
many people suffered under husni mubarak's rule.
gaddafi....gaddafi is... grrrrr i don't wanna talk about him
in syria, the political freedom and freedom of speech and opinion is nearly nil.
and alot of people dont have enough to eat, because of their economy.

Then again, many ordinary people suffer under their respective governments too. Everything is not a peace-fairy tale. Come to India, Pakistan or Bangladesh and see the state of the low-income people. You will get some idea of the suffering of people here compared to the (so called) 'suffering' of people in Egypt/libya or oil rich states.

And yes, countries in the indian subcontinent are democratic (with about 40% living below the poverty line  - so, people suffer here too). Political parties have freedom of speech here. What is the difference? ???

I've heard from some people who worked in Libya that it was a peaceful country before all these protests. So much that you could leave your luggage in your airport unattended without having to worry about it being stolen.

PS: Request to the mods: Please split this topic (from 4 posts before) and join it with the topic I just created in the debate section.

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #607 on: April 20, 2011, 01:10:12 pm »
Libya WAS a peaceful country

Offline maybeitwastheneighbors

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #608 on: April 20, 2011, 02:31:35 pm »
all right, but it was their choice, was it not?
as bad as it can be, they can always express what they feel, and wont be sent to jail for it.
that also happens here in jordan. the mu5abarat (or the equivalent of CIA methinks) is what runs the country, not the parliament (which we cant even vote for) or anyone else. one slip of the tongue, you could be the next on the 'missing persons' list.
how peaceful was libya? did you know, that when gaddafi started a fight with chad (correct me if im wrong), he kidnapped schoolboys to go and fight for him? and when they wanted to have a hostage exchange, he bombed the place the were being held in?
egypt is wondrously rich. billions of dollars come in not only through the tourist business, but through the suez canal and also from its produce. distribution of this wealth is so uneven that the difference between the lower class and the higher class is so great that there is barely anyone left in the middle class, and that can be seen across the middle east, although none come as resources-rich (oil aside) as egypt.
i dont claim to have suffered from the mubarak rule, and i never did xP
but if a million people go out to protest against the rule, something is the matter.
well, why was any opposition squashed out during the 30 year rule?
i DONT know the positive, but then again, i dont know all of the negative.
as for bangladesh, pakistan, and india, i have no idea on whats happening over there, but i do know that a large demographic of people are living in poverty, and do you disagree that it is because of the uneven distribution of wealth?
aren't democracies supposed to be 'by the people, for the people'? then how come over two million people are living on $2 or less, when mubarak is living on $70 billion?
phew that took a lot from me.
doki doki hatter

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #609 on: April 20, 2011, 03:14:39 pm »
yes it was their choice.
expressing ur feelings by destroying, killing, ruining the economy of a whole country? Great!!
libya, WAS peaceful, i donno wat gaddafi did, but wat i know is that he has mental problems :P
Egypt is not sooo rich, we have some problems too.
if a million people go out to protest against the rule, something is the matter.
and just now they realized the problem? people are free to vote for thier preisdent in egypt.
which means that its the ppl choice, they want husni, so they voted for him.

aren't democracies supposed to be 'by the people, for the people'? then how come over two million people are living on $2 or less, when mubarak is living on $70 billion?
every man who is owning a business, has his own money, if u will start ur own business with just 1$, after a decade, u might have 2 or 3 million dollars. sitting in ur home waiting a job is not possible, job will not come for u, but u wil have to go for it, and work hard.
if u dont wanna work, then why i am supposed to help u??

Offline maybeitwastheneighbors

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #610 on: April 20, 2011, 06:44:22 pm »
yes it was their choice.
expressing ur feelings by destroying, killing, ruining the economy of a whole country? Great!!
libya, WAS peaceful, i donno wat gaddafi did, but wat i know is that he has mental problems :P
Egypt is not sooo rich, we have some problems too. and just now they realized the problem? people are free to vote for thier preisdent in egypt.
which means that its the ppl choice, they want husni, so they voted for him.
every man who is owning a business, has his own money, if u will start ur own business with just 1$, after a decade, u might have 2 or 3 million dollars. sitting in ur home waiting a job is not possible, job will not come for u, but u wil have to go for it, and work hard.
if u dont wanna work, then why i am supposed to help u??

who did they kill???
what did they destroy? are you talking about the bal6ajiyya?
thats why they want to get rid of him! gaddafi boy i mean xP
no they arent! what about i5wan ilmuslimeen? im not saying i support them or would vote for them, but why be made illegal?
i heard (again i may be wrong, please correct me) that any opposition is immediately squashed by means neither legal nor humane)
and besides, nobody liked how he was so friendly with the israeli government. except for the israeli government. im not saying KILL THEM ALL KILL THEM ALL but he was somewhat against palestinian goodwill
doki doki hatter

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #611 on: April 20, 2011, 06:57:13 pm »
exactly bal6ajiyya, also i5wan, they are all behind it, not only in egypt, but in all the countries (arab countries)
gaddafi, i dont care about him, try to a psychologist for him.
me neither i am not supporting i5wan, and i am not supporting the protests, its a complete chaos!
sleeping in a tent for 10 days in a "midan" is something which is completely, erm wat to say, i will leave it for to comment on it.
who was so friendly to isreal? gaddafi or mubarak?
kill who? be specific
just change the topic.

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #612 on: April 20, 2011, 08:05:18 pm »
Who came up with the word bal6ajeea in the first place :D ?

Wallah mishta8a lil kalam billahja il5aleejiya :)

3'ayart ilmawdoo3 ,didn't I ? ;D
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

Please, Don't forget to Include GG in your Prayers =D

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #613 on: April 20, 2011, 08:13:36 pm »
Indeed u did :)
baltajea first used in this topic by maybet
mesht8a lil lahja el 5aleejiya, lol ana basma3ha kol yom :P
where do u live GG ?

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Re: All Arabs HERE!!
« Reply #614 on: April 20, 2011, 08:17:28 pm »
bagdarish 2agoolak ;)

La2 lanu kont 2atkalam ma3 kaza sha5s min 2ilkuwait *2awal posts ;)*

Middle east :P ...Dawla kaleejia bas I can't tell :)

I gtg good night .
Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest(13:28)

Please, Don't forget to Include GG in your Prayers =D