am in jeddah too

al-wadi international school what about u sweetest angel & sanity master ?
By the way where nd when exactly is ur exam? and how will u revise cuz i finished the past papers (from sp07) nd i dnt know what to do now ?
sweetest angel: did u see the ms ? if u ddnt here's the answer:
2 of:
1. ref. to adding sample to slide;
2. ref. to idea the sample is uniform;
3. ref. counting cells;
4. ref. to any detail of counting e.g. exclusions / number of squares;
2 of:
5. ref. to grid volume 0.2 mm × 0.2 mm × 0.1 mm = 0.004 mm3;
6. ref. to factor × 250 to estimate number of cells per mm3 / dividing by the
grid volume (0.004 mm3);
7. ref. to counting min.3 areas / slides and taking mean;