New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
Are you sure that you're not my older sister?
I've been searching for this Anime ,Romeesa , but I can't find it anywhere O.O Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu ?
Only 2 episode have been released. Right?I'll try searching now. If I fail, I will try tomorrow after my exam.
I've looked into the list made by Romeesa Chan and some other animes but I didn't feel anything i.e. I found it boring and so didn't try watching ...Got any other Anime that are worth watching ?
@GG:what genres do you like?
Check this: http://myanimelist.net/anime.php?genre[0]=25&q=&tag=&sm=0&sd=0&em=0&ed=0&c[0]=a&c[1]=b&c[2]=c&o=3&w=1It's a list of shoujo animes. ^^
No titles that matched your query were found.
Its not good,the manga is much better It has a 2 episode OVA By the way