n xtremist...whatevr im into..either im XTRMLY in it or so TOTALLY NOT qualifyings went bad cz of hp...

:D blive i wudnt prepare..i used to feel like readin hp..
mony..plz dont insult jk rowlin n her books by comparin wt twilight..i..i dont wana start over..ther r alta twilight fans here well dont wana hurt em

and im way xcyted bt at the same time rly dsapointed dt we're all gna hav to part fr part 2 til 2011 june..WTH!!! :@
anyhow mony-u gave both AS and a2 together..whoa..if id do hav AS and a2 for 4subs to do..24 papers together..wichs nearly imposible fr me...but well i lvd my AS bio thou!!
pink-well colors are all so beautful..but i hav alergies frm that color

so yeh its cool..MAYb