Author Topic: ALL ECONOMICS DISCUSSION, PAPERS HELP HERE!!  (Read 94741 times)

Offline hmh

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3 mark definition for economic growth anyone??

Economic growth is the increase in the amount of the goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is conventionally measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product, or real GDP. Usually a result of booms in the economy.

Hope tht helps :)
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Offline ni

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Could anyone please clarify to me what exactly they mean by the structure of business organisations?
Is that just like in public limited companies it would be:
Shareholders> Board of directors> Managers..

Offline hmh

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Could anyone please clarify to me what exactly they mean by the structure of business organisations?
Is that just like in public limited companies it would be:
Shareholders> Board of directors> Managers..

yea u can take it tht way.. also, wat sector does it operate in.. for example is it manufacturer or tertiary sector.. as in economics sometimes it goes like tht..

Hope tht helps :)
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Offline dangerousbaby

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can some body tell me wat is the most important topics that we have to focus on them for the structured questions paper ??

or just study all the book ?

Offline hmh

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can some body tell me wat is the most important topics that we have to focus on them for the structured questions paper ??

or just study all the book ?

Well.. its almost every topic.. but the main ones..the one for sure questions come up on  are

Production ...
Types of business Organisations
How are prices decided
Social Costs and Benefits
The Labour Market
How economy Works
Marcoeconomic Problems : Inflation, Unemployment, and Growth
Macroeconomic Problem: International Trade
Macroeconomic Objectives

There are the topics that must show up each year... altho these all are covered in 1 Question  Section A + 7 Questions Section B.. but we only choose 3 questions for Section B.. so some topics you should know very well.

Hope tht helps :)
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Offline hmh

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InshAllah everyone will get A*. Thanks alot :)
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Offline ashisonline

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Hey guys what mark do yall think can make us get an A in paper 6? :S
I have a feeling I'll get around 35/40.
And I guess the curve this year could be high.  :P lol.

Offline hmh

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Hey guys what mark do yall think can make us get an A in paper 6? :S
I have a feeling I'll get around 35/40.
And I guess the curve this year could be high.  :P lol.

Thats surely an A or even A* .. more likely A*.. but yeah..depends on other papers too. Gud luck
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Offline ashisonline

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Gud luck 2 u 2.

Offline Sweet_03

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Can Anyone Please Tell Me The Difference Between Claimant And Unemployment 


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i have a feeling the cuve would be at 31/40

economics mostly depends on paper 2 thats the hardest and therefore takes the most percentage

Offline hmh

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Can Anyone Please Tell Me The Difference Between Claimant And Unemployment 

the claimant count - measures how many unemployed people are claiming unemployment-related benefits.

Unemployment is a count of jobless people who want to work, are available to work, and are actively seeking employment.

The claimant count measures only those people who are claiming unemployment-related benefits (Jobseeker's Allowance). Benefits rules vary over time and between different countries, so it is more difficult to make comparisons.

Not all those who register for unemployment benefits

hope tht helps :)
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Offline hmh

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i have a feeling the cuve would be at 31/40

economics mostly depends on paper 2 thats the hardest and therefore takes the most percentage

yea paper 2 = 50% and paper 3 = 30% .. before used to be 20% now its changed with paper 1.. which is now 20% and the whole format changed for paper 1.. 30 questions and 45 mins.
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Offline Sweet_03

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Can Anyone Please Tell Me The Difference Between Claimant And Unemployment 

the claimant count - measures how many unemployed people are claiming unemployment-related benefits.

Unemployment is a count of jobless people who want to work, are available to work, and are actively seeking employment.

The claimant count measures only those people who are claiming unemployment-related benefits (Jobseeker's Allowance). Benefits rules vary over time and between different countries, so it is more difficult to make comparisons.

Not all those who register for unemployment benefits

hope tht helps :)

Aha ,
So Not Every unemployed person gets paid ?
Ok Now I get it ..
Thaaaank You Very Much , You've  Been Very Helpful


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