New servers, hooraaaay! More bandwidth, more power.
LOL... So finally Dumbsy made a good point. So how was ur result?
Hahaha I was actually calling her so she can stop enjoying the show from behind the scenes Bound to happen sometime Haha I was happy with it once I finally convinced myself I wasn't being punk'd You?
mwahahahi would come out if my net would just speed up a bit
mwahahahahahist alive!*laughs like a lunatic*all i had to do was restart the freaking modem
I wasn't happy at all with my result...
Dumbsy would be so happy to hear that...
Probably because you were aiming for the absolute best?
mwahahh ofcourse she willand deep down...very deep are you
I'm ecstatic Ahem.WOOOOT WOOOOOT!THE KIIMMOO KEEMA IS BAAACKKKK How I missed thee and thy 'lol's!Never leave again!Happy enough?
That deep down, i don't feel anything...
you need to go deep within yourself to find out the truth in your case very very very deeeeeeeeeeeep down
For that i might have to stab myself to take out that deep part....