finished my cup of coffee and walked toward the elevator.As soon as i got in and shut the elevator door i realised i was not alone!. I finished my cup of coffee and walked toward the elevator.As soon as i got in and shut the elevator door i realised i was not alone!.a wierdo showed up asking for help.He was an ungainly looking fellow with a large beard and shabby clothing.I think he was a hobo!.Though his tattered shirt and frayed trousers irritated me..but what caught my eye was
A whole bunch of cooked meat garnished with mayonnaise in front of him.I was really hungry and asked him if i could have a bite.He grunted and after a long pause said "Ummm NO!".That drove me maad.! and I viciously grabbed it from him...The man looked really scared now and said "Take whatever you want just leave me alone!".A few minutes later after this encounter a group of policemen wound up in front of my office.They were going to arrest me!. they confronted me with a vexed look. I forgot the taste of the scrumptious meat as the cop's rough palms hit my flaxen cheek.Now i was in a prison cell surrounded my thugs and all sorts of criminals.I was scared. i cried out at the cope.."Why am i being punished"....he replied coldly...the food that went in your tummy was the first ever artificially prepared meal from Cocounuts by Dr ZOOZOO...THE Dr. ZOOZOO.The man then cried out loud "WHO THE HELL IS DR.ZOOZOO?".
"Dr. ZOOZOOO, apparantly is my BEST FRIEND.."